Meeting new people, good music from 89.3 The current. Mario clouds only happen when you’re in love. Lightening and snow is the best combination Giving randomly, hugs, Being a creepy paparazzi, sporadic traveling trips, Starting passion fires, Karma, I’m a sucker for antique shops, I will blow a whole paycheck at art supplies shops, Outdoing Martha Stewert, Chatty Kathy, OUTGOING. Most times I have road rage (even when I walk), compulsive cleaning, free internet and cable, and becoming the loveable anomaly..
Outgoing folks, People of the artsy nature, non-drama filled fun people. Anyone up for an adventure, walking, bad movies, bake off, laughing, and coffee! People who don’t mind being observed by me and documented for future use for a story, painting, play or joke. Anyone who can put up with me.
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo .
Music is the blood that flows in my veins. Some of the best and worst brodcasted comes from the current. Coast to Coast is strange yet wonderful, I love making mixes for people, dancing, and going to all sorts of shows. Got a second, we'll talk.
.. B movies and Troma films are classics. Advertizing rules, Donnie Darko, UHF, Willy Wonka( the origional), Waking life, Killer klowns from outer space, Hiku Tunnel,Cemetery man,Headwhig and the angry inch, Dark city, Office space, Pee-Wee, The Great outdoors, Sisterhood of the traveling pants, Happiness of The Katakuris,Freeway, Moonstruck, Sleeping beauty, Maid in mahatten,Only You, Powder, The Jacket, Brain Candy, Captin Ron, Say Anything, MAY, City of god, Hurricane streets.Really old black and white turn of the century cinematography and forign films And anything by Zbigniew Rybczynski.
Dw-Tv HGTV, Forensic Files, Colbert Report, Vive and Jerry CVTV, Nancy Grace ( is awesome),What not to wear, and the DIY network. ..
A hundred years of solitude, Hey whipple squeeze this, Pet Cemetery,Craft books, Frank J. Tipler, Borderline Personality's, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , Me Talk Pretty One Day, Naked, One flew over the cucu's nest, The Circus Fire- A True Story, Freakonomics, Domino Magazine, info on neo-nazi's and hate crimes,How to Speak a Foreign language, Silvia Brown ..........
Nate Lehrke, The Soap Factory, craigslist, Grandma J, and Pannakukken!