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About Me

I am an abstract and surrealist painter. I daydream of the inner workings of the brain and portray the colors that swim in my mind. I am Intrigued by the mechanical ingenuity and intricacy of the human body; it's flaws, it's strengths and it's short circuits. I explore the spectral world of love and relationships, mankind and machines, machines and love, machines in love.I paint road maps of the nervous system. I break things so I can build it again. I build things to break it down. I struggle with perfection in every piece and fight between leaving things messy and neat. I work for a patent law firm drawing inventions and funky devices. Its fun but some people invent some stupid shit. I love art.

My Interests

ostinato, european tours, france, Spain, japan, mitsuo Ogasawara, running, exercise, sunsets, philosophy, Whisky, mojitos, holland, Germany, my family, learning to surf, skateboarding, longboards, hiking, sleeping in, eating well, the beach, sand, sun, observing street traffic a crowded city, thai food, japanese cuisine, cool shoes, flip flops, topography, civil engineering, web design, time travel, space travel, NBA, the discovery channel, architecture, roads, maps, tennis, painting, collages, people that make me laugh, dreaming, getting things done, tug of war.

I'd like to meet:

braque, picasso, klimt............the money tree cuz my broke ass need new shoes and new pants.


Current playlist: laika, pixies, Sistersound, Diario, Bowie, The Swans, O'rang, Bark psychosis, ride, My Bloody Valentine, Air, Plove, Amon tobin, bauhaus, durtiburdi, Esquivel, Spiritualized, slowdive, Velvet Underground, Bonobo, talk talk, dukes of stratosphere, Flaming Lips, pascal feos, Abel Okugawa, quasimoto, Nick Drake, leonard cohen, green milk from the planet orange, maserati, tulsa drone, john Coltrane, miles Davis, Thelonius Monk, squarepusher, them against them, bjork, portishead, massive attack, augustus pablo, rodan, shudder to think, shit and shine, todd, love and rockets, sevensamurai.


kooyanisquatsi, seven samurai, lost in translation, drugstore cowboy, Berry Gordy's the last dragon


car commercials, do you need a lawyer commercials; buy now and we'll throw an extra set of knives free commercials, campaign adds because politicians really do care. commercials that cure athletes foot, calm menstrual cramps, cure disease, help third world countries become richer and get rid of diarreahaaaaay!


Food of the gods by Terence McKenna, Einstein's dreams, the fall, Siddhartha, unbearable lightness of being, the elephant vanishes. I fancy them national geographic magazines and read it through and through.


the sun; free whenever minutes; the samurai; artists who hate being called artists but say they are artists because that's the most direct way to get your point across; buy two get one free deals; pizza hut cuz they suck ass. mom and pop pizza establishments because they rule! enzymes for the lactose. more later......