jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart profile picture

jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart

if there's a ship that sails the night, i'll captain that too. just to be there with you.

About Me

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i am a christian. i'm a dental lab office bitch/ bartender/ internet ordained reverend/ band managing girl who doesn't want to turn creepy barfly just to meet people. i love God, reading, writing, MUSIC (punk rock, psycho/rockabilly, ska, skacore, etc etc), listening/being there for people, cheese, my kitty cat, my friends, my family, tattoos, elvis, coffee, pin-up girls, shiner bock, lonestar, camel lights, sitting up all night bullshitting with friends, playing a horrible game of pool, bowling until my thumbs fall off, going to shows, anything heart shaped, wild cherry lifesavers, rainy days, occasional sleep, etc etc.
for those of you unaware: i was recently acquainted with this radio show via the internet. it's friggin AMAZING!! the dj's are fun, the music is ROCKIN, and you're sad when it's time to sign it off for another week. they KNOW their rockabilly. i sat at my compy last friday with the BIGGEST grin on my face listening to one tune after another turned WAY up. it's a kansas city community station and they can use all the support they can get. i strongly and highly recommend it to any of you cats or kittens who love your rockabilly like i do. you can link up with this show EVERY friday night from 5-7 CST at ROCKABILLY MOOD SWING RADIO ---CLICK THE LINK!!

My Interests

most of my interests are covered in the big "about me" section. but, just for shits and giggles, i'll try to get a little more into it. my main passions are music, writing, and photography. music is the force that guides my life and writing is how i interpret what music has granted me. pictures freeze that moment in time to return to when you need a smile or a memory to hang onto. unfortunately, i've had a horrible writer's block for some time now and i can't get anything worth a shit out. i love going to shows. lotsa people want to break my camera.Your walk is:

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I'd like to meet:

maybe you...friendwise: no one is denied. i love making new friends and meeting new people. if you think we should be friends, drop me a line and we'll go from there. in other words: do NOT just send me a friend request if we do not actually know each other in real life. be polite, folks, say hello first, introduce yourself. otherwise, your request will sit collecting dust in my inbox for as long as it takes for you to say hello or to delete it. bands, this pretty much goes for you too. i'm not trying to win the prize for most myspace friends ever.look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "hey self, do i suck?"...if the answer is yes, thanks for playing, please try again later.*****i'm off the market! i'm not sorry fellas, i've got the one i want. ♥ doesn't mean we can't still be friends! cheers!*****


punk rock, rockabilly, psychobilly, ska, skacore, old ass country, rock, lounge...pretty much a spot of everything and a bigger spot of some things. -listing bands would take up FAR too much space-


dead poet's society, boondock saints, shawn of the dead, down to you, swing kids, hot fuzz, kung pow, super troopers, bruce almighty, dream for an insomniac, death to smoochie...i'm very much a comedy girl but i like a lot of types of movies.


simpsons, psych, boston legal, house, gilmore girls, smallville...i'm not much for tv. i'm much more into movies. that's where it's at!


ANYTHING david sedaris, james patterson, henry rollins, harry potter books, jthm all the way, kim harrison, and i'm addicted to archie comics...but i love to read so i'm all over the board.


elvis. bettie page. ROLLINS. bruce campbell. my mom. my kid sister. anyone living their dream.

My Blog

expanding on ignorable things

first, i'd like to thank you all for not actually ignoring the ignorable things blog. gimme a hug!  the response was so awesomely...awesome *ahem* that i feel the need to do a little follow
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:45:00 PST

a coupla ignorable things...

okay, FIRST: i think i am fast becoming tired of being peoples's pet. at first it was cute and flattering. but if that is all i am to you, what the hell is the point? maybe some of you buyers and trad...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:53:00 PST

learn something new EVERYday!

so, i've been trying to close my mouth and open my brains to receive whatEVER comes floating my way. a few lil lessons have made it through. let's see if we've learned them properly.LESSON ONE: barten...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:46:00 PST

a declaration

i will blog again...oh yes, i WILL. but who will even read it? you???
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:11:00 PST

sadly, i say farewell

it is with heavy heart that i write to you today. the end of 2007 has just witnessed the absolute end of the wreck room. at roughly 8 am this morning, the demolition crew moved in and knocked down her...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:30:00 PST

how do we say good-bye to a friend like the wreck?

it's been a full week since the curtain fell on the wreck room. i've been agonizing on how to say my proper farewell to a place that became like a second home to me. she was a place where i never felt...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 03:28:00 PST

the hell i DON’T blog! hah.

it has been a while and, well, steph keeps pointing out (in her meek, passive aggressive manner) that jenny's too "cool" to blog anymore. and i am here to put that idea to rest. i am not too cool for ...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:01:00 PST

everyone loses with machismo bullshit

i'm going to try to keep this short and sweet. only those in the know need to know. but i NEED to vent. i have no choice in the matter. so read or don't and i don't even care. this isn't for you, it's...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 01:37:00 PST

God gives us what we need and knows when we need it

i have had the most incredible weekend. seriously. and i owe that SO much to so many of you and (as the title points out) God. allow me to elaborate a bit. i've been mopey for a while now. i've b...
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST

a coupla random thoughts before i meet the sandman

don't ask me where these things come from. they just do. and i hijack them and make them do my bidding. my bidding tonight is proving i do know that i have a blog here and that i can write in it....
Posted by jenny tornado & her trailerpark heart on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:46:00 PST