I never know what to write in these "about me" sections. So we'll just be really random for a minute.
For the first time in forever, my hair is a normal color. Thank Applebee's for that. I'm getting bored with it though.
I have a baby overly needy, clingy kitten. And i love it.
I have hydrocephalus. Google it, its some interesting stuff.
I don't like standing still at concerts. I really don't like sitting down at concerts, but I'm learning to deal with it when I have to.
I act like I don't like taking pictures... but don't buy it. I like taking pictures, I just get overly critical and delete happy if they don't look right. Professional lighting + photoshop = my friend.
I'm learning to bartend. This could get interesting, realquick.
I watch too much Disney channel.
Given the choice, I'd take being nude over clothed anyday. Not a sexual thing.. it's just more comfortable, less hassle, etc.
I don't like confrontation. I'm working on that one.
My cell phone is normally attached at my hip. I'm probably one of the reasons God invented unlimited texting. I'm really not too fond of actually talking on the phone though.
I'm not a Starbucks fan. For several reasons... I'll spare you the sermon.
Unfortunately for me... I work right next to a Starbucks. Most of the people I work with, are biiiig Starbucks people. I have yet to go postal. I'll let you know when it happens...
aol inst. messenger: faultyapathy
livejournal: espressoxvoyeur