Mandi profile picture


I see no bravery in your eyes anymore. Only sadness.

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI don't suppose there's a whole lot to say about me without boring you with my life story. I love music, art, and literature. I fully support public transportation. I have a tendency to get restless if left in one spot for too long. More than once I have started a project without finishing it. And a warning for my page: I don't blog often, so don't expect frequent updates.Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

My Interests

Music, (Intelligent) Debate, Comedy, WoW, Politics, School (yes, I'm a geek). I also love ice cream, Italian food, and blueberry tea. Oh! And recently discovered: Cosi, Spinoccoli pizza, and Veggie Dim Sum.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who shares my interests without being so much like me that it becomes annoying.


I'll just give you the short version: Kings of Leon, The Beatles, 30 Seconds to Mars, Snow Patrol, and Silversun Pickups. Lately I've been digging Imogen Heap.


Monty Python's Life of Brian, HELP!, and Love Actually.


Monty Python's Flying Circus, Family Guy, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Shogun, The Kite Runner, and pretty much anything by Jane Austen.


It's been my experience that if you put someone on a pedestal, they rarely can live up to expectations. So, it's really not fair for either of you...

My Blog

What a wonderful world!

Well, I presented my capstone project before the board today, so now all I can do is wait for the grade.  But it is such an awesome feeling knowing that that huge weight is finally off of my shou...
Posted by Mandi on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:59:00 PST

Grr! I hate that crap!

Ok, I'd just like to apologize to anyone who got a weird comment from me.  My account got hacked and I have since changed the password... twice.  Anyway, the problem should be solved no...
Posted by Mandi on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 04:18:00 PST

What to do when you are 42...

That's 42 on a standby list flying from DFW to Tulsa.  Yep.  I seem to only have limited amounts of good luck in a sea of bad.  Last Thursday, I flew out of Tulsa to DFW and contin...
Posted by Mandi on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:03:00 PST

So much time, So little to do...

I'm bored, so this is what I do to waste time.  Hey, it's either this or me taking a bunch of quizzes!    My 100 Truths!1. real name - Amanda2. like it -  Not really.  I'd pr...
Posted by Mandi on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:04:00 PST

She Wants Revenge on Tulsa

So, She Wants Revenge came back to Tulsa on Halloween.  I could take this moment to write a whole hell of a lot of puns centering around their band name, but neither of us would appreciate it muc...
Posted by Mandi on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 10:42:00 PST


So my wonderful uncle Stan sent me a link to this site that gives you far more information on yourself than you ever wanted to know by simply looking at your horoscope data.  It ev...
Posted by Mandi on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:22:00 PST

A Tale of Two Cities: Tulsa

Part two of the tale of two cities... TULSA Micah went to Kansas City Friday, so he missed the second show, but a girl I've known since high school, Cassie, was more than willing to see an amazing ro...
Posted by Mandi on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:24:00 PST

A Tale of Two Cities: OKC

Once upon a time, there was a band called Kings of Leon. They were on tour with the Stills. And they decided to be nice and do two shows in Oklahoma, back to back. One was in Oklahoma City at the Dia...
Posted by Mandi on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:19:00 PST

Simon Dawes on Film

Damn! I'm slacking on this! Meh, what else is new? Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, August 22nd to be exact, a band called Simon Dawes made an appearance in Tulsa. Their second if I'm correct. I was for...
Posted by Mandi on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:01:00 PST


It's tradition in my family (and I imagine most others as well) to go out to a special dinner on birthdays. Well, my dad turned forty-six this past Friday, but we decided to celebrate today (Sunday) a...
Posted by Mandi on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 04:26:00 PST