doing as little as possible to make money, eating, swimming, riding my bike, abusing pleasure resonsibly, stalking women, filth, blowing up the moon, wave-table synthesis, athropology, ancient meso-american civilizationz, category 7 trampz, bombay saphire, crown royal, belgian ale, women wearing bootz, lotz of bass, listening to, dancing to, writing and recording music
good mannerz are a great start
clickz and beepz
(almost) anything with jennifer connelly, monica bellucci, helena bonham carter, or milla jovovich in it
i hate tv
journey to ixtlan, the eagle'z gift, western landz, the place of dead roadz, valis, talez of a krap artist, transmigration of timothy archer, beelzebub’z talez to his grandson, hustler, playboy, etc.
destro, darth vader, the pope