Margie profile picture



About Me

I am a lady of 47 years of age, my nationalities are Irish, English, Dutch, Cherokee Indian & blackfoot Indian, I am proud of my indian heritage & my other nationalities. I'm happily engaged to a wonderful man by the name of Danny, he is absolutely gorgeous, he's even more indian than I am, and tans just walking to the mailbox, I have to go to the tanning bed 2 weeks to get my tan where he is naturally!!! One thing ladies,and gentlemen, he doesn't share, and I don't share, since someone inquired about it, I want to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR, we DON'T swing, OK?!!! No spammers! This site is primarily for people who are related to me or my man, or have an interest in the metaphysical/psychic/spiritual world, I would like to expand my abilities, and learn from others abilities what their willing to teach in the field. .. Blingees start Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds
Danny & Margie 4 Ever
My Daughter & her hubby

Angel & Peter
Blingee End .. roseslovedoves .. The 1st blingee is my fiance Danny & I, the 2nd blingee is of my daughter Angel & her new hubby Peter. 2 perfect matches made in heaven. (Sole mates) .. Have you ever had to let go of an Angel? My daughter, "Angel" is now married! Yet I know I'm not losing her, I'm gaining a son. Hi, Peter:) Music video start Music video. ....................... My MySpace friends, please sign my guest book.

MySpace friends, Please sign my guest Book. .. What color is your aura
Your Aura is Blue
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.
The purpose of your life: showing love to other people
Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah
Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor What Color Is Your Aura? What color is your aura .. How spychic are you
You Are 80% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good! Are You Psychic? ..Empath
What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with
You scored as Judge

You are a Judge Empath, one who is a "truthsayer". You can tell truth from lies, good from evil. You do not tolerate wrong doing. You are a defender of the good and the innocent. You are kind and merciful but do not play foolish games. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at















Fallen Angel

45%.. Take the quiz, What type of beauty are you.
You Are a Feminine Beauty!
You make any guy feel like a man, simply by standing next to him
You have a classic womanly appeal - and you've got a look for every occasion
This doesn't mean that you can't kick back in (designer) jeans and sneakers
You just prefer to be girly and sweet as often as possible What Type of Beauty Are You? ..Red roses Layout...
Click Here For Myspace Layouts Red roses layout ..Comments RED text code ..Scroll box for Comments..
Herman's Hermits Something Tells Me I'm into Something Good

My Interests

.... ohol .. Here is the man of my dreams, people, the other person is ME, with him :D..PictureCube ..

PictureCube... Best thing.. 25moonrosepic.. 2heartsrosesZ .. follow your heart ..Red heart Red heart .. smaller rose bouquet .. 1 red rose .. heartloveglitter .. soulemates 4ever .. Danny & Margie holding hands Danny & Margie holding hands. ..ocean hearts D&M .. You mean the world to me Danny.You mean the world to me Margie. .. True Love True Love. .. Grow old with you .. Angel Pic. Angel Pic. ..These songs are the songs that remind me of Danny & reminds Danny of me, even though we think about each other all the time as it is :) Love songs
Love Songs. ..Songs I like
Songs I like..hypster songsThe 1 song in the list below called, "Only God knows why" reminds me of my son Craig, 1 thing is because only God knows why God decided it was his time, unless it wasn't in God's plan, and he was taken because of other reasons, but I will never know. I know what ended his life, but not how. So...Only God knows why. My son Craig was born 07/11/1985 and he died 07-03-2000, yet it doesn't seem like all that long ago. I will sometime soon be writing a blog on the subject... Click here for more information about the songs
Click here to create your own MySpace PlaylistHLS .. Rose Rose. .. My man is my greatest interest. It's a match made in heaven, he has given of his heart to me as I have given of mine to him. We have been together for a year 1/2 now, and it just keeps getting better. .. This red candle signifies our love.Eternal flame signifies our love...Now the youngest in the nest has left, as of March 21st, 08 because she's married now, boy let the good times role! Ooh hoo, lala :D. Now, not that I don't miss her, because I do, but I know they are right for each other as well, and the fact that they're not too far away, and I could just give them a call or drop in, with notice, being they’re newlyweds and all. Now they're both in the national guard, actually Angel my daughter will be going in very soon, Peter her hubby has 1 more thing he's going to train for before they leave for 3 YEARS!!!! Maybe to Hawaii, but for 3 YEARS!!! I miss them already, being I don't get to see them very often, they're always on the move, and I get lonely just thinking about them all being gone, my honey goes to bed early, I usaully go to bed late, and never been without kids in 29 years!!! All of a sudden it's like I'm 17 all over again, but the memories are all still there of all my 4 kids. It's quite a shock to my system, of all the quiet and calm, that's what I thought I wanted, I am happy with it, but I sure miss the kids' company, they're all gone, boy what a change from all those years. .. Line roseLine rose .. Danny & my Wedding day is coming also, we have set July 11th of 2009 as our special day, and it's going to be Beautiful!.. We want to be debt free when our Wedding day arrives. He’s not a cheater, which I’ve been through a few of those experiences, and he’s been through a few of those experiences too, we’ve had many of the same experiences with the ex’s, with their lies & cheating and all, so when we started seeing each other, we found that we were indeed a match, and knew precisely what we wanted in a relationship, ours couldn’t be anymore perfect than it is. 1 Rose .. We are very happy, for once in our lives, it’s a shame we had to wait this long to find each other, but as we’ve talked about many times before, it’s a good thing, because we wouldn’t have known what we know now, and it’s in those past disastrous experiences which have made us who we are today, and to be able to grow even closer is SO grand. (It was definately in God's plan) Bufferfly Rose ..Fact, we will love each other more today than yesterday, but not half as much as tomorrow. There is that song in my love songs just by that name, check them out folks, I hope you like them, I surely do. I don't like rap crap, (No affense to you peeps who like rap, that's just MY personal opinnion of that type of music, there might be 1 or 2 songs I do like in the kind of rappy category) .. Rose bouquet Rose bouquet. .. I have also had many experiences in claireaudience, and things of a very spiritual nature, read my blog and you will know precisely. .. Ocean Waves Ocean Waves .. Wave rider Wave Rider .. Beach with chairs .. Beach Foot Prints Beach Foot Prints. ..ChildofGod ChildofGod Think love Be Love ..

I'd like to meet:

I've already met the most wonderful man in my life. Here is a song that consisted of our life in the beginning.Guns & Roses Video start . . . . Guns & Roses video end ..


This little 10 year old has a beautiful voice and a message in the song. .. Tell Me Why Tell Me Why. .. Free Hugs video start Free Hugs video. .. Christian The Lion .. Christian the lion Pt#2 The Reunion..


Benny And June, Only The Strong, To Sir With Love, Misery.


Discovery Health, Charmed, News, Weather channel. .. Cute BIG Animals video Cute video. ..I think this lady is really funny in this comedy act. Mrs. Hughes Mrs. Hughs. .. Funny comedy act Funny comedy act ..


V.C. Andrews series, Metaphysical, spiritual, Clairevoyance, Claireaudience, Psychokinesis, Life after death, etc. .. Reinforces the positive in ones thinking. DNA Ascention Video Start DNA Ascention video... Small Angel Pic start Angel pic. .. Believe this truth ..


My Mother was the hero, she died of Cancer on December 26th 2007 at 3:49PM, while I held my arm around her, she remains my hero, she wasn't just Only my mom, she was also my best friend, no matter what, no matter when, or where. Mom, was always there for me, she was just a phone call away, since I lived 2200 miles away. I will love her forever, eternally. I will forever love you, Mom. .. I owe to Mom .. Mother ..If Tears .. Many Angels .. This video is an asumption of what it would be like in heaven.Video End Video.. John Edwards Pam Blizzard on Crossing Over with John Edward
.. .. Songs to Mom .. Miss you Mom Miss you Mom .. Moms 1st Picturetrail ..

Moms 1st picturetrail ..Rest In Peace (R.I.P.) Songs In Memory of my Mom.
Songs In Memory of My Mom. ..Stairway to heaven Stairway pic .. Moms 2nd picturetrail..

Moms 2nd picturetrail .. Mom & Frank Blingee
Make custom Glitter Graphics
.. Angel Pic Angel pic .. Moms 3rd picturetrail..

Moms 3rd Picturetrail ..Angel pic Angel pic .. angelkneeling .. little boy angel .. My son Craig was indeed a special guy, he was born 07-11-1985, he died unexpectedly 07-03-00 of unforseen circumstances. He was a happy person, who joked and did funny things to make people laugh, he was born with a great sense of humor. I will love and miss him forever eternally. One day we will meet again. .. Craigs picturetrail..

Craigs picturetrail .. Songs in memory of Craig
.. In Craig's Memory Songs (He liked some rap) The song, "In the end", in the part where it says "In the end it doesn't even matter", to me the meaning to that phrase represents, nothing can change the fact that he died, so no matter how much or how hard I wished that he didn't die, nothing would ever change the fact, because it's happened, and I can't turn back time which I literally tried to do by replaying it in my head back then it seemed a million times a day. My son. My great love for him will NEVER change... Angel pic Angel pic .. My Dad was a great Dad, he was an excellent father, and we were proud he was our father, he was proud of his kids. He died of Oatcell carcinoma (Cancer) Dec.03,1995. We will love and miss him until we meet again, and our love never dies. .. Dads picturetrail..

Dads picturetrail .. Songs in memory of Dad
.. Male Angel Male Angel .. May the rest of my decieced family members find ever lasting peace. .. My deciesed family pic trail..

All the photos in the featured picture trails are decieced, except Uncle Larry & my 3 of my 4 kids, sister Nita, brothers Gene, Allan, Willy, Raymond, Tony. ..Here is: THE CURE FOR CANCER!!! 1 of 7 videos! .. 2 of 7 videos ..3 of 7 videos ..4 of 7 videos ..5 of 7 videos ..6 of 7 videos ..7 of 7 videos ..

My Blog


Do you know anyone with cancer??? Maybe you've had family members that have died of cancer, I surely have, that is, MOST of my family, both sides, have died of cancer.THERE WAS A CURE, ALL THIS TIME??...
Posted by Margie on Sat, 31 May 2008 07:55:00 PST