Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross profile picture

Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
What metal band are you?
You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!

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My Interests

I smoke and drink too much, and dont get nearly enough sleep. I am a mother of an amazing little girl named Rowan, who makes life worth living. When I can I like to paint and make sculptures out of melted shit. I just started cross stitching, though it takes too damn long to see any results so im getting bored with it. I like playing pool at bars and meeting new people, though I have terrible anxiety. I tend to spend more music on the juke box then on alcohol when I'm at the bar.


In random order: Elvis, Tom waits, A perfect circle, Skinny Puppy, Otis Redding, Rufus Thomas, The red paintings, Nick Cave, puscifer, reverend Glasseye, Einsterzende Neubauten, Leonard Cohen, Man man, gogol bordello, casa de chihuahua, devil makes three, The Revolting Cocks ,tool ,screamin Jay, Ministry, The warlock pinchers, Skatnigs, fang, dystopia, Damien Rice, Ryan Adams, Johnny Cash, Kimya dawson, she wants revenge, cocksparrer, bessie smith, frank sinatra, rudimentary peni, mozart, murder city devils, Nina Hagen, most 50's rockabilly, and many MANY more,..


Porn and childrens movies.


I do not watch TV very often.


My daughter. My mother.

My Blog

Pound pound pound

Goes my head.  OUCH. Yay Hang over, thank you for all that you do for me. You can leave any time now.
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 09:03:00 PST

Friday Im in love. Well no,..not really.

This week has been interesting.  Weekend was amazing.  Ben and I went to The Devil Makes Three show which was fantastic, My face hurt from smiling. We spent the entire weekend together and ...
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:14:00 PST

My plan,..

So I have decided since I am going through this very angry phase that I am going to stop going out to bars where people I hate get even more annoying and stay home and paint instea...
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:52:00 PST


To quote Kimya Dawson -" Having been fucked is no excuse for being fucked up"
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:16:00 PST

New phone number,.. again.

So I have a new phone number (the new one from two weeks ago doesnt work anymore) . If you want it, let me know.
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:40:00 PST


You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands."You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself t...
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 03:41:00 PST

Check out this event: My Birthday!

Hosted By: Elaine BarronWhen: Saturday Jul 29, 2006 at 9:00 PMWhere: The Tonic Lounge3100 NE Sandy blvdPortland, OR 97232USDescription:Elaine Barron Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Laine, princess of phelgm and all things gross on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 01:24:00 PST