Music and flowers are in some way connected.
This page about Harry Granlund is not administrated by Harry himself. Harry will be 90 years old during 2008 and doesn’t have a computer. He asked me to help him out on the internet so you can listen to his music. I will keep him posted on what happens on his homepage.
Harry is one of my dearest friends and he writes and compose his own music.
He says “ The nostalgic music gives us something beyond the ordinaryâ€.
During his whole life Harry has been working professionally with flower’s as a gardener and he thinks that flower’s and music are attached to one another. Beauty you can see with your eyes, beauty that you can hear with your ears.
Many of Harry’s lyrics expresses his devoted love to the archipelago on the east side of Sweden.
You can hear and feel this when you listen to his music. Even if you can’t understand every word.
Three CD’s has been released with Harry and his friends in music. Recently the DVD about Harry and his life are finally available. It’s a beautiful movie with a lot of picturesque pictures from Sweden along with Harry’s beautiful music.
Harry Granlund - The movie
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"Musik och blommor hör ihop på något sätt". Filmen om Harry Granlund finns i en liten upplaga att köpa. Naturligtvis i bra kvalitet på DVD. Intresserad? Skicka ett meddelande till Harry.
Harry Granlund tillhör mina käraste vänner.
Harry , nu 89 år gammal skriver och tonsätter egen musik. "Den nostalgiska musiken ger oss något utöver det vanliga, säger Harry Granlund."
Harry har under hela sin yrkesverksamma period arbetat med blommor och han tycker att blommor och musik hör ihop.
Harry har gett ut en CD tillsammans med Östgöta Seniorernas Musiksällskap, där de flesta av hans inspelningar finns.
Många av Harrys texter uttrycker hans kärlek till den Östgötska skärgården, där han hade sitt sommarboende under många år. Martallen på bilden stod i hans trädgård ute på Fyrudden.