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I viaggi, la lettura, la fotografia...e poi l'atletica, la buona cucina, i gatti.
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
Persone come me, ma soprattutto diverse da me...finestre su altri mondi.
Smashing Pumpkins, Kino, Battiato, David Bowie, Paolo Conte, St. Germain, Coldplay, Beck, Jeff Buckley, Battisti, the Killers, Royksopp, Bjork, CCCP, altri...
Shining, Non ti muovere, Il silenzio degli innocenti, Ovosodo, tanti e vari (senza titolo nella mia memoria...)
Il Maestro e Margherita,
Ti prendo e ti porto via,
Due di due,
Guerra e pace,
Le notti bianche,
Memorie di una geisha,
Il cacciatore di aquiloni,
Mille splendidi soli,
Anna Karenina,
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore,
Gli amori impossibili,
Delitto e castigo,
Veronika decide di morire,
Il petalo cremisi e il bianco,
Undici minuti,
Pappagalli verdi, ...
Just because the forest is being cut down in somebody else’s backyard, doesn’t mean you can’t help stop it…
Right now, a bipartisan bill – the Legal Timber Protection Act (H.R. 1497) is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would protect old-growth trees and plants from Brazil to Indonesia from being illegally cut down and exported on to American soil. Criminal logging also emits staggering amounts of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming that affects us all. Here, in the U.S., timber companies lose an estimated $1 billion each year to due to unfair competition from illegal logging.
Take Action Today Congress has a chance to cut illegal logging now!
We need Representatives to hear how important this bill is to those that inhabit theses ancient forests, our jobs, and the future of the planet. Greenpeace is working hard overseas to protect ancient forests and the wildlife that inhabit them, and now, we can do something at home to prevent the destruction of these valuable ecosystems.
Peace & Thanks
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