WPARanormal, Paranormal Internet Talk Radio, can now be heard live Sunday Nights from 9 pm - 11 pm EST
Our recent Shows are available via podcast at
http://www.WPARanormal.com/WPAR.rss .
WPARanormal Inc, a non-profit, Clergy led, Paranormal Investigation Club, based in Kalamazoo, MI, was founded by Bob Penny and Rev. Robert DuShane, both Certified Paranormal Investigators, as Kalamazoo Ghost Hunters Club in 1993.
Our goal is to prove to the world the existence of paranormal activities. One method we use is to disprove some "hauntings" and then focus on sites we believe to be active, and attempt to disprove them too.
We are non-profit and never charge for our services. Donations and the members themselves support us.
We use the latest scientific equipment to aid us in our investigations. We are always looking for new members, provided that you can take the investigations seriously, all others will be asked to leave the group IMMEDIATELY.