Hi, Hope For The Summer started as side-project in 2002 besides my other bands The Phoenix and Tomydeepestego , with the intent to play simple acoustic music. Instead of searching a label and becoming a super star, I keep recording my songs by myself in my bedroom. Actually I don't really look at this as a music site, but more as place for me to cyber hang and share some of my works with you.
So if you are reading this, it means that you are one of the "lucky" who arrived to my profile, and most important, that you're listening to my songs.
I know, I've made your day.
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Here's the "MOUSE-MADE" video for the song "Red Lipstick On Your Lips". The video is entirely created and directed by the world-acclaimed Riccardo Frediani (it's a hard job believe me).
HOPEforTHEsummer - red lipstick on your lips (2007)
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HOPEforTHEsummer - red lipstick on your lips (2007)
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