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About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Red & white

Buried at PhotoCasket

My Interests

art,cooking,fashion, vintage,home decore,web design, our awesome kids , my sexy ass wonderful hubby ,travel, deep sea fishing,photos,Xbox360 Gammer Girl, and my 3 little babies...harley,jake,and bud dee dee

I'd like to meet:

Strong people with a great sense of hummor and people who dont play head games. Someone who is normal and not a "bi polar" idiot! People that are passionate and know what they are talking about, not ones who think they do! No dirty ,nasty,cant clean your house type of people,you know like the "inbreeding" type! No drama making people ! I would like to meet people that can handle life and not make excuses for handling their problems or put their problems on others, a friendship..ect is a give a take! People that are there for me as well as Iam are for them. And I would love to meet people that are not fake ..you know all talk behind your back and are not strong enough to say it to your face!!!! What it all sums up too..I would like to meet people that can carry on a conversation other than "cross stitch "Or "yo yo yo"Or I want to go to "disneyland". People that show a little class and are not a degenerate and are not out there tring to hussle or scam anyone!



every movie has a story to tell...so I like a little bit of everything...anything Hollywood I grew up around there.


last book read was....Andy Rooney


People who stick up for what they believe in.

My Blog


Survivor       We have made it ! What  we have been through.... 3 trips to Iraq , a number of moves, crazy neighbors, two teenagers, who are great! My husbands parents a...
Posted by x on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:14:00 PST


Check out this video: Mr. Keanu Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by x on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:13:00 PST