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I love All kinds of Music. Anything with a good beat is worth listening to. I like music that gets me motivated.My loves are Cigarettes, Coffee, Music, and peace.When it comes to politics, I have a lot of things I'm Conservative about and alot of things I'm liberal about. I don't pick sides like most people do, because that's how accidents are made. ..Cinimatography/Photograhy, editing, and Other Computer MOD related sources.
Chris Hansen,Lewis Black,George Carlin, Denis Leary, Luke Mably, Jon Stewert, Satan (he owes me money),Chuck Norris................................
Anonymous Provision unto Thine People.
*Concealed Weapons Cache (x2)
*Nic Fit Hellfire
*Marquis of Queensbury Rules
Myspace Falling Objects
Danny Elfman, KMFDM,Rammstien, T.a.T.u., Metallica, Vanilla Ice, The Cure,Marilyn Manson,HelloGoodbye, Muderdolls, AFI, WoodMan, Eurotech, DJ Shah,L7,VNV Nation, My Chemical Romance,Modest Mouse,SCOOTER! Stone Temple Pilots, NIRVANA, KoRn and A Whoooooole Lot More.
Fight Club, The Crow, Spaceballs, Monster, Star Wars 1-6, Megaman: the Anime,BoonDock Saints, Alice in Wonderland, Vanilla Sky, Vampire Hunter D, Little Shoppe Of Horrors, Rocky Horror Picture Show,3000 Miles to Graceland, Natural Born Killers, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, I am Legend, Dawn Of The Dead 1979, Edward Siccorhands, THR3E, The Doom Generation, And the ones I make.
Family Guy, South Park, Daily Show w/ Jon Stewert, Colbert Report, MSNBC:Reports, Discovery Channel, MTV,VH1, HIST. Pretty much Every Channel my TV has,lol!
Rise and Fall of Civalization,I am America and so Can you, The Crow Novalizations And Everything from the Marvel Series, Sylvia Brown Novels.
Dad&Mom Jerica Macon,Maddie Fry, Ben Parker, Barret Wright, Dawn & Andy, Brizzle and all my TRUE Friends