If we're being honest, we know that the term 'indie' is near useless. As is the amorphous 'alternative', for that matter. But heck- it's all we've got- and we need some totem, no matter how vague, to organise our little society around.
To that end, we welcome anyone who considers themself a fan of indie music into our fold- however they define that troublesome term. We truly, honestly, absolutely, totally believe we have plenty to offer to anyone who considers themself an indie fan whether their favourite magazine is NME or The Wire; their favourite group Arctic Monkeys or Lightning Bolt. The discounts on gigs and clubnights across the indie spectrum (organised by Highsoc or otherwise) mean that you'll easily earn your money back- but there's more to us than financial gain; plenty of current and former members will testify that they've made some of their best friends through Highsoc.
But if you're a member and you don't think we're giving you what you want, let us know; come and DJ at one of our events; suggest a band you'd like to see. Because you are Highsoc, after all.Forthcoming shows...