Their debut album, Goes To Austin James Land, is deliciously absurd. Five part harmonies are masterfully mixed with key arrangements straight out of a community melodrama. This collection of songs has the range of a Broadway review. Each track portrays its own unique emotion and tells a story. What I love most about this band is the fact that they have taken your traditional indie rock and made it a production. This satirical view on music is incredibly endearing and send out more than a fair share of feel good vibes.
Goood 'ole Dodgy wrote about this band ages ago [read the post here] . I'm a little ashamed the LA community has been so slow to pick up on this. It always seems like the best new music is hovering just under your nose. I've definitely had east side blinders on for the past few months - long enough to completely overlook this amazing band.
--Jax (
--Ricky Yarnall (
"...the harmonies, vocal layering, technical skills on their individual instruments and song composition made me think I was listening to something out of the Beatles, Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band or The Beach Boys, Pet Sounds. It is hard for me to put this band up on a pedestal along side the greatest composed albums of all time, but I really think it must be done mainly because there really is nothing else to compare it to."
--Sara (
To book the Austin James Band, e-mail us:
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