I promote good bands. profile picture

I promote good bands.

About Me

I'm Rian [pronounced Ryan]
I run a promotion company [obviously] out of Los Angeles. My company’s main focus is to discover bands that no one knows about but have the potential to be a huge success and influence in the music scene. I help guide them to reach their full potential by booking shows and tours, promte their music shows videos and album releases, send out press kits, get their music into films and television, and put them in contact with the right people in the industry. So, take a look around, and don't forget to check out my official website
Keep checking back... I update often!

for more band promoting fun check out my podcast

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My Blog

Great Albums!

Here is a list of where you can buy amazing albums from the bands I promote. Listed as: Band, Album Title, and Where to purchaseThe Deadly Syndrome:"The Ortolan"Amazon Dim Mak Record Store InSound Jun...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 18:46:00 GMT