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Rina Slayter

The man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the woman who is doing it.

About Me

I am a published author, background actor, video editor, test driver, shade tree mechanic, serious tea drinker, former flautist, costume/clothing/jewelry designer for myself, antique doll hobbyist, former stagehand and self-styled weirdo. I've been in movies and television shows such as Serenity, Spiderman 2, Entourage, Angel, West Wing, Desperate Housewives, and have danced the Cancan while dressed as Leeloo from The Fifth Element.

My first urban fantasy novel, OTHERNESS: RIFT is now available. It keeps getting great reviews--including a couple 5s--so apparently, it's awesome...if you like urban fantasy with a twist of history and magic. Visit my website to check it out...

My Interests

CARS! I have lots of and love cars and work on them, too. I also dig British (especially Welsh) history, antique dolls, the paranormal (I'm a sensitive), sewing, yoga and tea (preferably oolong or green).
follow rinaslayter at http://twitter.com

I'd like to meet:

Funky, smart, forward-thinking people who aren't afraid of being near the edge of anything.

Otherness: Rift by Rina Slayter -- Book Teaser

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When I write, I listen to Enigma, Delirium and a few other random songs tossed in for good measure and emotion. When I'm just hangin', I listen to anything from car tunes to 70s rock to anything 80s to to New Age to Blues to Metal to Celtic (fun to learn a little Welsh and Gaelic this way). Basically, I like music without dissonance be that in the music itself or in the lyrics if there are any. Over the years, I've noticed that I particularly enjoy songs in a minor key. I also most enjoy songs about reaching, searching, yearning for something. I dunno what that says about me, but it's true.


Lost Boys and anything related to it.


Torchwood, Dr. Who, Extras, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Heroes, Angel, Highlander, Ghost Hunters, Haunting Evidence, Dead Famous, Knight Rider, Kolchak: The Night Stalker


All the women who have come before me and made it easier for me to be a little girl in a man's world.

My Blog

Visiting Grandma

I still shudder thinking about these particular experiences.First off, let me just say that I appear to be the only sensitive in my family. If anyone else is sensitive, they never spoke about it. Agai...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:03:00 PST

Learning from Ghosts

I've shared a lot of my paranormal experiences here already, so if you missed them, please scroll down. Those are the biggest ones so far.Anyhow, what I want to post about this time is a particular gh...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:04:00 PST

Me and the ghost... Part Two

Okay, I've already shared the beginning of this story--the icky thing in the creepy storage room where I did lighting for a week-long symposium. Now, I'm going to get into the stuff I really don't tal...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Mon, 19 May 2008 05:40:00 PST

Little things and part one of a big one

I've covered the stories I usually tell whenever someone asks if I believe in ghosts or why do I believe in ghosts or if they straight out ask me to tell them one of my ghost experiences. If you misse...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Wed, 07 May 2008 05:50:00 PST

The Lady Ghost

Okay, I've covered all of the physical senses with at least one story or anecdote. This next story starts in the physical and ends in the psychic. I haven't made heads or tails of it completely, so pe...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:15:00 PST

Another interjection

Before I get into some of the bigger stories, I do want to clarify that while I consider myself a sensitive, I'm also able to separate that sense from my others. I don't claim to have any incredible a...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:15:00 PST

What does the future hold? I have NO idea...

In earlier posts, I've explained that I'm sensitive to paranormal activity. I'm psychic, however, I don't get many premonitions whether in the form of feelings or even prophetic dreams. I simply suck ...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 01:58:00 PST

Through the eyes of me as a little girl

I’ve mentioned scent, audio and touch. Now, I come to sight. Due to my sensitivity, I’ve psychically seen a lot. However, there have been a few things I saw with my naked eye without using...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 02:53:00 PST

Touch me, Tex

I’ve already covered a few of my paranormal experiences with audio and scent...which leads me to touch. I haven’t experienced a whole lot of touch that I can attribute to supernatural occu...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:35:00 PST

Interjection about where I stand

All right, I’ve opened my can of worms and started posting some of my experiences with the paranormal. I feel it necessary to add one thing:I am not a professional ghost hunter (yet). I’m ...
Posted by Rina Slayter on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:49:00 PST