Anything that would tickle my interests, Photo Shoots, Vietnam War Reinactment, Airsoft, Kart Racing, Swimming, Extreme Sports, Rappeling, Driving and Going Out and Modelling
I'm not that much of a group "joiner". but I welcome everyone.
Honestly it really depends on my mood
Pirates of the Carribean 1-2-3, SWAT, Matrix Trilogy, Bad Boys 1-2, Bruce Lee films, Jackie Chan films, Jet li films, Hamburger Hill, Full Metal Jacket, Green Berets, Platoon, Blackhawk Down and Tears of the Sun, Diehard 1-2-3-4, Leathal Weapon 1-2-3-4
C.S.I., Cooking Shows, Angel, Alias, Titus, Home Improvement, Rides, E-Ring, Simpsons, Tour of Duty, The Unit, Ultimate Force SAS
Cook books, FHM, U.S. Cavalry