dgirlnextdoor profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

oNe 0f th0sE f0rTuNaTe w0mEn wh0 haVe ThE gIfT 0f uNif0rmLy aCcEpTabLe aPpEaRaNcE. NeVeR sUpRisEd oNe wiTh uNexPecTed h0meLinEsS n0r wiTh sTartLing rEseRvEs 0f bEauTy. aT h0mE aNd 0n thE sTrEeT, aLwaYs bE hErSeLf, a w0maN pAsT fiRsT bLoOm, LigHt aNd cLeAr 0f c0mpLexi0n, wiTh a sLighT c0nVexiTy t0 thiN Thr0aT; a w0mAn drEsSed wiTh SeLf-c0nSci0uS cArE, EveN eLegAnCe; a w0mAn diStiNcLy n0t aVeRagE...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

people that have the intellectual capacity in defining the meaning of life. knows how to appreciate possessions or person he have and as well to others too. shows endearment to people that are nice to him. i don't want people that are gibberish.


RnB soul,hip-hop, acoustics, alternatives, house music, trance and rave...


cruel intentions,crazy beautiful, how to loose a guy in ten days, butterfly effect, 2fast 2furious, just married, the notebook, italian job, gone in 60 seconds


sex nd the city,ok fine whatever!, one tree hill, punk'd, national geographic, pimp my ride, CSI, the maury povich show, jerry springer, tyra banks show.


dictionary, break up diaries by maya calica, chicken soup for the teenage soul

My Blog

i need opinions and comments

kindly view www.dgirlnextd00r.multiply.com read my latest blog.. and write a comment about it.. you can add me too there.. [email protected] thanks a lot......
Posted by dgirlnextdoor on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST

Choice and Chance

Choice and Chance When we meet the right person to love when we're at the right place at the right time, that's chance. When you meet someone you're attracted to, that's not a choice. That's chance. B...
Posted by dgirlnextdoor on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 04:55:00 PST

tragic of life

there are two tragedy of life, loose your heart desire and gain your heart desire. quite dizzy, but the cliche on it, it's all about happiness. in whatever stand, from childhood til we grow and matur...
Posted by dgirlnextdoor on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 04:35:00 PST