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About Me

Linnie is a singer/songwriter/producer/actor . His passion for the musical arts, have been By His Grandfather " king Twigg", who played the sax for many artist like Patti Label and little anthony. He believes that Music is the most psychological and spiritual expression of emotion. His drive to perform music, comes from knowing that somebody can be touched and even relate to the lyrical and/or Instrumental contents in a song. He is Proficient vocally and on the keyboard and Guitar. Linnie has performed since the age of 6. He has shared the stage with Steller nominated Gabrial Hardeman Delagation, Tamika Payton, Tye Tribbet, John P. Kee as well as many other artist and musicians. Linnie is a BMI artist and he is the founder Of Twigg Records LLC. He writes everything from R & B, hiphop to POP to Insperational music. He is a recording artist Trying to make music that reaches everybody .God Bless you.

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Member Since: 11/9/2006
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Linnie has many infuences, but the main people that he has looked up to on this journey throught music has been, God, his family especially His Wife Ashleyand two children Linwood IV and Kimora and the babe on the way Micah Alexander. He also has a great repsect for every Artist and musician, Major and Indie, that believes in his or her craft.For studio Time, Tracks, or to book Linnie contact 610-563-1377. or write to Twgg Records LLC. P.O Box. 72577, Thorndale Pa. 19372-0577
Record Label: Twigg Records LLC.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Christian music industry without christ.

Hello my good friends. yesterday i attended a music workshop conference in philly. there were 5 conferences going on. The two conferences i attended were the R&B workshop and the insperational wor...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:26:00 PST

take a stand

I often wondered why I was so confused in life.  Everytime i saw a new trend or saw what somebody else was doing i would always try to change to be like the people I thought was cool. needless to...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:35:00 PST

they did it to Jesus and they’ll do it to me

I don't really have much to say but I have some things on my mind. I have never been somebody to keep close company. because many people are hard to trust butI love people and I get along with everybo...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 07:14:00 PST