crissy profile picture


hi there..tine here

About Me

aM cRistina., mY feLLas CalleD me crissy and tiN aNd tiNa.. am Just a SiMpLe gIrL whO loVes to HaVe Lots of FrieNds. hAng-oUt With ThEm, sPend wIth them ThE WoRst and beSt dAys of Mah LiFe. I lOve To HeLp, as LonG as I can Do it. am An aDdicT of CoffEE,mAgs,AccEsOries,PaNts,bloUse and FOoD. i'm A fan Of God!I live MaH lIfe with EverYdAy.i Love To sinG, DanCe, aCt, aNd LoVe to Do wHatever things that Can BOost Up my ME.! am StiLl LooKing For SomeOne whO can fiLL Up the Empty SpacE of Mah HeaRt. I HatE faLLin in lOve, bUt i AlwayS belieVe ThAt "if Am GoIng to HavE a BoyfRiEnd... its a Bonus From GoD"beaT that!...^.^

Myspace Layouts at / Black Dress

My Interests

waTching Videos sUrfing the neT listening To Music waTchinG tV ( mAGdamAg ) reAding

I'd like to meet:

*a friend who's willing to make you happy despite of the many problems in Life.*a friendship that will last forever.*someone who's willing to hold on.*somone to love me with all his heart.*someone to watch over me.


i lOve Old sOngs rather than the nEw ones. it's mOre sOul inspiring.


anythin'! but mOre on hOrrOr, sUspEnse and ThriLler


runaway, americas next top model,5th wheel,elimidate, csi esp. vegas... mTv, Myx, Axn, HbO, Star Movies


mr. write the purpose driven in life the bible firesTArter Myths and so much more....


He's been my HERO since the day He created the world. He saved me form the fires of hell. Gave me love and blessings. He's no other than the Lord, living inside of me.