Layout by CoolChaser
i enjoy playing whiteboy basketball (HORSE). Pool, bowling, pinball, Ms.Pac Man, writing and drawing of course. sometimes kareokee.
I got this Sexy Comment from!
anyone who wants to make some really cool shorts. I have a funny/weird and sometimes vulgar sense of humor. I don't mean to, it's just how my mind thinks. I'm looking for people in l.a, ca and atlanta, Ga area. And if you are familiar with Spike Jones, Micheal Gondry, old schoolZucker brothers, Mr. Show, and Kids in the Hall that might closest way to explain my sense of humor.
i like all kinds of music. Radiohead and Flaming Lips are my favorite bands. I could name more. I only like country and gangsta rap if i'm in a club, but i normally don't listen it.
I used to love music videos. This is probably one of the best ones i seen in a long time.
Airplane! Battle Royal, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, Evil Dead 2, Freaky Friday (jodie Foster), Grindhouse, Happiness, Idiocracey, Johnny Suede, Kiss or Kill, Loverboy (patrick dempsey), Moving Violations, Nightmare on Elm Street, Only in Dreams ( i was in that) Quickley Down Under, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Raising Airozona, Superbad, That Thing You Do, Under the Tuscan Sun, Very Bad Things, Wet Hot American Summer, XMen, Young Guns, Zoolander