So, i have a shit ton of interests, but no attention span. Therefore I dabble in many things, but excell in nothing. Some people say i'm obsessed with motorcycles, i ride them, work on them, and can teach you how to ride. Whatever. It's fun. There's more to me than motorcycles... maybe. I like going places, lets go somewhere... I've been into learning about tattooing for a minute now and i would love to apprentice in a shop one day. dirt bikes, demolition derby, supercross, motocross, adventures, my cats BUTTERMAN and RACER, and my dogs LUCKY, BEAR, and CLOVER, goin to the dawg park, the lake, or the woods.!, riding my sweet bike, guitar, bass, drums, target practice, shooting guns & playing with knives, dreaming, learning, listening to good music, fixing broken things, spraying pretty art on ugly buildings, taking random back roads and getting lost, & spontaneous last minute road trips. Did I mention MOTORCYCLES?
"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to be civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex." -Valerie Solanas (SCUM Manifesto)
Conspiracy theorists... riot grrrls, vegans, freaks, punx, queers, motorcyclists, tattooists, maybe just some good ole fashioned NICE cool people?.... uh you? your momma? i dunno... A sandwich? ...No one? ...Everyone?
Email: [email protected]
You're a Riot Grrl. You love the rockin' sound of
loud women, and rightfully so. You're probably
an activist of some sort. And yes, you're
right, not all Riot Grrls are lesbians. Just
You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
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Live shows and videos of my fave bands, motocross videos, Vincent Price Movies. Anything with Zombies, Cheesy Horror is the Best!
kill yr tv !!!!!
"Hothead Paisan"
Public Service Announcement...
Grrrl Love Is...
treating ALL girls with respect
hugging yr girlfriends and being there for them
protecting each other and providing a feeling of safety when we walk down the street or go out
making space where women/girls feel unthreatened and unintimidated
talking about abuse and rape when no one else will listen
making other girls feel unafraid to eat in public or around others
making other girls feel comfortable with their bodies
being kind to yr mom and not expecting her to wait on you
not judging women/girls on their looks and/or hating them for being "pretty"
not competing for boys/girls attention
not looking/acting dumb on purpose so boys/girls will like you
not picking yr new boyfriend/girlfriend over yr old girlfriends
calling people on their opinions
not feeling homophobic around yr girlfriends and refusing to touch them
learning and teaching each other how to do stuff and be active
screaming in public
knowing that girls can do anything boys can do
stopping jealousy
respecting the choice of girls to be sexually active or to abstain from sex
knowing that you are connected to all girls and the way you view yourself is related to their self-image as well
sharing resources with other girls
helping each other see our beauty and build our own culture around what we see
wearing makeup and tight clothes because we want to
being powerful
being honest and straightforward because mind games stink
talking about our feelings
holding hands
feeling okay about being naked around each other
understanding that girls that we may not like are people, too
not letting words such as "feminist" or "lesbian" be used as insults against people