((the WoRLD, its people, their passions and dreams /// & having them re-united with their LoViNG FaTheR (SaLVaTioN) through the CRoSS...then through that relationship being able use those PaSSiONs for an eTeRNaL purpose and DReaM those DReaMs that defy the WoRLD's boundaries)) also street skating, b-ball, traveling, getting educated (4rm education to language to politics and everything else a person might want to learn), bowling, movie/music-making, dancing, hanging out in parks, & BBq's
**people from all sections & every nation, from every class, color, gender, & age ///
CooL or GeeK, big or small, Sk8er or B-basketball player, mean or nice,, and everyone in-between or out on the fringes
!! we like to make music with an acoustic guitar, a D'jembe, and several other noise making devices such as tambourines, rain sticks, and shakers; then just add voices...the result is not simply music but an expression of thanks to a WoNDeRFuL and CReaTiVE CReaToR (i.e. WoRShiP & AdoRatiON)
Juno, Across the Universe, the wizard of Oz, garden state, Lords of Dogtown, the MaTRiX, Casablanca, napoleon dynamite, CRaSh, amores perros mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" ..
la SaNTa BiBLia, THE SHACK, by William Young (A MUST READ) BLUE LIKE JAZZ is incredible! the ragamuffin gospel,RELEVANT Magazine, the complete works of William Shakespeare, Ralph Waldo Emerson, The DANGER HABIT (READ IT!) Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss, YO JO! by Rachel Isadora, The Velveteen Rabbit, Roots, from Beruit to Jerusalem, the Cost of Discipleship, The Celtic Way of Evangelism, & story people, & Irresistable Revolution, The Divine Conspiracy, The Great Omission