.. width="425" height="350" .."He who puts his trust in God, God will suffice Him. He Who fears God, God will send him relief." - From Hadith ---------"Change favors the prepared mind" - Louis Pastor
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti.."Gotta keep my game tight like Kobe on game night" - Djay
..Bein a DJ ( well used to, but once a DJ always a DJ) I love ALL types of music, even country. However hip hop nowwadays is I hate to say gone to ish. Give me some Tribe, Common, Pac, John Legend, Bob Marley, Sade, Sarah Mclachlan, DJ tiesto, Iio, Doc Martin, some 80's
Crash- Apcalypto -- The Last King of Scotland -- The Josephine Baker Story-- Hustle and Flow-- Malcom X-- Blood Diamond Shawshank Redemtion-- Walk the Line -- City of God--American History X-- Blow-- Matrix-- Lord of the Rings-- Hotel Rwanda-- Gladiator-- Troy-- Hero-- Count of Monte Cristo-- Braveheart-- The Last Samurai-- Spirited away-- Pirates of the Caribean-- Forest Gump-- Ray-- Batman Begins-- Superman-- Faster-- Hustle & Flow--"And so it shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away and the most great peace shall come." - Abdu'l-Baha
Fresh Prince, Enterouge, Rome, Pimp my Ride, Food network, NBA, NCAA, NFL
The Advent of Divine Justice, The Dawn Breakers, The Gospel, The Torah, Song Celestial, The Holy Koran, The book of Certitude, Strength training anatomy, Twist of the wrist, The Phrophet (Gibran), The Da Vince Code, The Alchemist
Haji Mirza Haydar Ali"Whoso seeketh Me, shall find Me. Whoso findeth Me, shall be drawn towards Me. Whoso draweth nigh unto Me, shall love Me. Whoso loveth Me, him shall I also love. He who is beloved of Me, him shall I slay. He who is slain by Me, I Myself shall be his ransom" - Dawn breakers (form the Hadith)