Liquid Reality profile picture

Liquid Reality

UNDER CONSTRUCTION -- New Page Coming Soon!!

About Me

Liquid Reality Debut Album Now Available At CDBABY.COM!! Click the picture below to go to Liquid Reality's Store at CDBABY.COM!

So everyone keeps asking when they can get a Liquid Reality CD... well... the time is NOW... we've finally got them... the album title is "Roulette" and this is how you can get yourself a copy....
FOR ANYONE LOCAL-- you can pick one up at Rockabilliy's in Utica, at Detroit Choppers in Roseville, or at Record Time in Roseville... or you can always contact the guys and they will be sure to get you one!
FOR ANYONE NOT LOCAL-- CDBABY.COM and will ship them directly to your home.
Also we will be on iTunes, Rhapsody, and Yahoo! Music so show your support and pick up a copy today!!
Thanks everyone for your support as this is a long overdue project!

My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2005
Band Members: Benny - lead vox

Brandon - guitar / vox

Chris - bass

DJ - wax / electronics / vox

Chris a.k.a "Jack" - guitar

Tony - drums

Type of Label: None

My Blog


hello, todd here from liquid reality, we are going to set up a mailing list forall our future events: all you need to do is send your full name, street address,e-mail address, and (phone number option...
Posted by Liquid Reality on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:22:00 PST


GO TO the LINK BELOW AND V O T E  4  US,  THIS IS A HUGE cHANCE FOR US TO GETsIGNED !!!!!!!!!!! c/profile.php?band_id...
Posted by Liquid Reality on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 07:00:00 PST