A battle cry through heroic hip hop for vigilantes who fight to make a difference and dream of unity among people of all colors & creeds.
Take the raw streets attitude and flip it with a positive message to bring together our communities.
This is for those who are Lovers AND Fighters.
Tony Glow presents the true story of 1 man’s ambition to stay fresh and enjoy life while searching for true love. Through the drama and with hard work, he fights for change in what feels like a hopeless war, while already struggling with his own inner demons.
This is:
Love x War
You can also preview and buy it at undergroundhiphop.com & cdbaby.com
by clicking on their pictures below!
My Interests
Member Since: 11/1/2007
Band Website: tonyglow.com
Sounds Like: If Tupac & Aaliyah had a son, this is the music he would make.
Record Label: Vigilante Arts
Type of Label: Indie