Sex, drugs and rock & roll. Parties, shows, New trends, Hip Hop, watching movies, chating online, hitting on the hottest girl in the room, playing live onstage, driving fast and breaking the law.
I'd like to meet beautiful babies who are into musicians and who like to party. I'm not looking for any thing special I like to make friends almost as much as I like to make music. I am always looking for other musicians and bands to jam and gig with. I also have a lot of contacts on the east coast so if anyone needs to book a gig out here let me know I can make that happen for you. Other than that I would like to meet a bunch of strippers, porn stars and generous millionaires. If you are out there I am available tee hee!!
ZAGNUTT!!! Jay Z, Kanye West (I Love to hate him) Eminem, Nas, Helmet, Deftones,
Queens of the Stone Age, (QOTSA) NIN, Cypress Hill, U2, Outkast,Radiohead,
Fight Club, The Matrix (the first) Star Wars, Spun, The Big Lebowski, the Man who Wasn't There, Batman Begins, Pi, The Salton Sea, X-Men, Old School, Anchorman.
Simpsons, Family Guy, Daily Show & the Colbert Report( My only News source) The Sopranos, The Wire etc.
Hagakure the Book of the Samurai by Yamamoto Tsunetomo The Book of 5 Rings by Musashi The Art of War by Sun Tzu The 48 laws of Power & The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene Fight Club, Choke & Survivor by Chuck Palaniuk The Magus by John Fowles
I'd like to meet beautiful babies who are into musicians and who like to party. I'm not looking for any thing special I like to make friends almost as much as I like to make music. I am always looking for other musicians and bands to jam and gig with. I also have a lot of contacts on the east coast so if anyone needs to book a gig out here let me know I can make that happen for you. Other than that I would like to meet a bunch of strippers, porn stars and generous millionaires. If you are out there I am available tee hee!!