I love cats and dragons. If I could choose how to die it would be death by dragon. There would be no other cooler way to die, really. All dragons are named Clyde, by the way... or a derivative of Clyde. Don't let any dragon tell you anything different.
Angelina Jolie, Viggo Mortensen, and David Wenham, just because they are teh pure sexy. However, I would probably melt into a pile of pure liquid goo if I ever saw any one in person. Viggo would be especially cool just because he is an excellent artist on many fronts - a real Renaissance man. Conan O'Brien, because I think he would be a damn fun person to hang out with. Peter Jackson because the man is just amazing. Bruce Campbell. Again he seems like he would be a blast to chill with. Any of the guys from Whose Line is it Anyway? as well. I love to laugh and people who can genuinely make me laugh are the best people in this world.
MST 3000, Princess Bride, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, LotR Trilogy, Fight Club
Mythbusters, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Battlestar Galactica, Dirty Jobs, Top Gear, Top Chef, Good Eats
Reading is one of my favorite things. Mostly, I read Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror. I love Poppy Z. Brite, Mercedes Lackey and J. R. R. Tolkien. I also like poetry. Two of my favorite poets are Emily Dickinson and T.S. Eliot.
My sister.