Sexy Joe Crak profile picture

Sexy Joe Crak

Ribbed for her Crak

About Me

Sexy! But seriously folks. I am joey Crak, this name was givein to me freshman year of college, so anyone who knew me before simply knew me as Smokin Joe zantek, or Just joe. I went to college to study actingr, didn't fell like taking histoory of theater courses, because i only cared about film. So i switched majors because i became a fan of editing. My fellow film makers say I'm pretty good, this is one of the few times I'm modest about myself, because I'm sure there always room for improvment in my work. I own an Avid HD program, but not a computer good enough to run it. I enjoy the more than occasional video game playing, movie watching, and good television show viewing. Huge fan of animation. Wrok 1 crappy job and one ok job. Crappy being working in the Deli department in Giant, ok one is delivering mail as an independant contractor for the postal service. Oh and I love Karaoke. Myself and my singing partner rock it over at Mike's Bar and Grill pretty much every Wed night. No one does duets like we do duest. Catch me there or on AIM at Joeycrak00neg. If you can figure out what the end of that is a reference to I owe you a cookie.

My Interests

Animation (all kinds), movies, editing, DnD, Batman, comics, Tv, video games, women, wrestling. Pretty much most levels of Dorkdom. Except for Magic: the gathering, thats for losers, this means you kyle and mike.

I'd like to meet:

Alot of people: Takashi Miike, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Tarintino, Hayao Miyazaki, Tim burton, and I would love to slap George Lucas. oh and definately a nice lady friend.


beatles, beach boys, living end, aqua, kylie minogue, shakira, the dan band, Rockapella, The Brown Derbies, Pat Benetar, that chick that sings total eclipse of the heart as well as holding out for a hero, Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Queen, David Bowie, The Ramones.


Attack the Gas station, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, One Flew over the Cukoo's nest, Mononoke Hime, The Bond series, Batman series (even the crappy ones), Casshern, Sars War, Bangkok Loco, Happiness of the Katakuris, Versus, Aragami, The Great Yokai War, Gozu, Howl's Moving Castle, Pom Poko, and sick love of my hatred for Uwe Boll movies. If you don't know of him you're lucky.


Buffy, Angel, Farscape, G.I. JOE, Megas XLR, Adventures of Briscoe County Jr., Batman, Batman The Animated Series, Justice League, Sliders, Quantam Leap, Superfriends, Lone Gunmen, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, Starved, Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Family Guy, Futureama, Naruto, Evangalion, FlCl, Record of the Lodoss War, Slayers, Samurai Champloo, Tenjo Tenge, Excel Saga, The Storyteller, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Venture Bros, Kenshin, Battlestar Galactica, Arrested Development, Samurai Jack, WWE, TNA, Vision of Escaflowne, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, i'll think of more.


Watchmen, Green Mile, Long Halloween, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

My Blog

Joe - 1, pants - 0

I sewed up a hole in my pants, now, sadly, they are no longer assless.  Well they were only half assless to before, but now they are not.   Its probably only a matter of time before my ...
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:18:00 PST


Its aboot time i start making demands.   I'm sure they will be mostly ignored.   But i shall make them regardless.   Demand the first: I demand the ability to post what song I...
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:15:00 PST


So i woke up today looking forward to today for some sort of reason.   i knew i had to work but that didn't matter at the time, because i was going to be stopping in to get shadow of the col...
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 07:30:00 PST

today, as in the 11

today was rather dull.   Went into the P.o.  got down in about an hour and a half which was cool.   seeing as i get paid the same for three hours of work.   Went and...
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 10:27:00 PST

the funny
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 07:45:00 PST

Review of Cartoon Networks dubbed Naruto

Now I'm a big fan of this anime called Naruto. Its about a young ninja who eventually wants to become the hokage (leader and protector) of his town. but he has a 9 tailed demon fox sealed inside of hi...
Posted by Sexy Joe Crak on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:14:00 PST