Hi, if you found me, you were probably looking :) That's how we all found each other. I wrote these songs to connect with you, so that we can know that we are not alone on this path back to our source. Some of the insight for this material was formulated in the middle of the night, when I was half asleep, at the time when what's real and what's not real becomes all blurred. Some of the other content comes like a gift. Like I work and work and find nothing and then, boom, something comes out of nowhere. That's how the lyrics to Break Free came, riding in the back of a cab in NYC after a night of no sleep and wondering if we were going to make it...or not. I'm a student of the kabbalist, Michael Laitman in a long line of kabbalists. Like my other friends who have found this path, I've been through every other sort of method before arriving here. For me it was drugs, music, meditation, religion and diet modifications. To paraphrase Rabash: People's views and opinions have an impact on other people's views and opinions. When a person is among people who have no connection it is inevitable that their opinions will penetrate with detrimental effect. Therefore, establish an association that will preserve the integrity of its own worldview. Clarify the purpose so as to not be dragged along with the common majority view. This path, being opposite from the way of the world, requires continual encouragement, otherwise a person will fall into self love. Our motto: Let each man help his friend!