About the Mischief:
We've started our own myspace page to network with other fuzzy critters and their people. Click on our names below to see our pics.
Nina Marie {RIP}: Hi, I'm Nina, the Siamese. I'm a friendly, outgoing, and emotionally charged alpha female. You'll know if you're in my favor, because I'll happy pee all over your arm and rub my head against you while I run in frantic circles around the room. My favorite past time is gathering paper towels and building nests for my sisters (they're adopted). I often clean up the area around the cage and put the debris back in where it belongs. It's also my job to keep these other two in line, because they're affected.
Sophia B. Demented: Hi, I'm Sophia, the beauty queen (although I am a little camera shy). I scamper about on my tiptoes like I'm in high heals, and I like to sleep on my head. I am charming and affectionate, but beware the full moon! Evil spirits take over my body, and I cannot be held responsible for my actions. My favorite past time is digging in my human's plants for the polished stone treasures buried deep in the dirt. I also like to eat the dirt (Grandma says, "it's full of minnerals").
Ceceila Anne (Spudzilla): Hi, i'm Ceceila, but my people call me Spud. I am the runt, but being small has it's advantages. I'm like a little wind up spring toy. I can jump about three feet straight up in the air for extended periods of time. I jump on the windowsills, climb the curtains, tightrope walk, and look for trouble. Don't tell me no, because I'll thump my tail, give dirty looks, and do it anyway.
This Page is Dedicated to the Late, Great Mephistopheles:
Shalom, Rattus Norvegicus