The Godless Girl profile picture

The Godless Girl

Just you wait...

About Me

-"Your garden. Like mine is vast and beautiful. It is filled with mysteries and secrets." -"How do I uncover thees mysteries? I want to know the secrets..How, how?" -"Observation my dear friend, observation" I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Forging meaningful relationships with people who are long long gone, trash/cult cinema, striving for truthfulness at all cost. Living life one day at a time, regardless of the mundane tediousness of it all. Some day ill reach my goal of utter vulnerability, loose it all and love every second of it.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a physical deformity ore charicter building trait. Super man, bat man and the wolf man all rolleed up in one. And your mom. It might explain why you are so fucked up.


Any thing thats hot and I can shake my ass to, New Order and Joy Division!!! Bahaus and Bowie. Suicide and Sonic youth. The Pixies and FRANK BLACK. The beach boys, Gary Numan, Adam And and the Ants(but i realy just love Adam)Violent Fems and Devo. The BANANAS AND !!!( Sacto Love). Rock the Light , The NIGHT MARES. Antney and Velvet underground.the who, the cure, souxie, magazine, tom tom club,pulp, magnetic fields, tears for fears, the cars, love,jame chance,the blacks and any other incarnation,8 eye spy,the fucking unicorns,miles davis, belle and sabation,,,,, And much more.............


What Is It?,Hold me while im naked, Tenderness of wolves, night, dawn and day of the dead, anything zombie related. The short films of richard kerm, mad monster party, Edward Scisorhands and the crow, the saddest music in the world, the secratary, donnie darko, lolita, HAxon, Rummble fish, over the edge, over the top, thrashin, the worriors, the tenament, Creep show, faster pussy cat kill kill, Female trouble, pink flamingos, polyester, hair spray,serial mom,Anything John Waters toutches is gold, even the seed of chucky, M.S 45, I spit on your grave, last house on the left, farewell uncle tom, mondo trasho, mondo canne, silent tounge, mad monster party, trouble every day, kids in the hall brain candy, gremlins, tombs of the blind dead,forbidden zone, pee wees big adventure, Andy Warhols Dracula and frankenstien, any thing by Paul Morrisy,CQ, revenge of the nerds, nosferatu, the devils,the lost boys,canible apocalypse and so many more that it hurts to strain to remember ....


twin peaks, kids in the hall , the young ones, arrested development, the simpons, americas next top model(just kidding).The simples life. My so called life. California and polk out the box office window


Reading is for fags! exquisite corpse, geek love, the weetsy bat books, hot water music, little birds, the four chambered heart, invisble monsters, toutching from a distance, i adeal for killing, hunger, the strange world of salvador dali, diary, 1984,rant, Being there, Savage night, the metamorphisis, the adventure of sherlock holmes, giovannies roomthe lady and the unicorn, where the wild things are.


I hope: myself in Five years

My Blog

the schematics of ageing with grace

Who knows where these motions of edicet originate but i do know that we are helpless to fight against them. I was born on a friday in july... i turned 23 on Friday the 13th. Now all my family is in th...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:38:00 PST

A callout on clarion

Sleepy time it dose indeed alude me. The wee hours are at hand. What is it...I ask...why am i here. Awake...I think I could jump right out of my skin.Walking through the streets at four am, the greens...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 05:24:00 PST

Heaven may look like this....

Here is a very small peek at my trip...more to come...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:21:00 PST

A breif moment

A sunny day in the Czech hill side...Wandering, meandering through the mid evil town...cobble stones and monuments. A carefree day. Perfect strangers unleashed like school day comrades. We are little ...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:41:00 PST


twitter tatter, pitter patter. Lost lost . a small frail ghost. what are you doing here little ghost this time is not for you. we all know that theese peices just do not fit. oh me gosh golly what is ...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:01:00 PST

Im leaving on a jet plane

Ummm, a day late and a few dollars short i am moments away from boarding a flight to San Francisco via London. Well I passes security with flying colours and i think I may vomit. For some reason ...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:22:00 PST

Umm shit.

I was quietly putting along on a tran to rome. I had been on a boat from Greese for a day... I was just sitting looking out at the italian hill side and all of a sudden I had a flash..."is that a medi...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:44:00 PST

my poop burns my eyes, i miss the simpsons in english

First day  of the last week...i saw the vaican and all that...bought a fake prada baag  fer very drunk.  you know, when in rome and all that shit. I found the Daario argento...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:05:00 PST

No place like home. except perhaps Rome

Well well well, this will be my last week in Europe. I have made it to Roma. I guess you always save the best for last. In the land of The giallo film and fab buildings, history and pasta. I am sad to...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:27:00 PST

Bone head and blunders

Yes indeed venice is loverly, it is one leautiful tourist trap...and thats ok. just dont get stuck the a tent. My camera broke twice...boohooo. got a new one now so it isnt the en...
Posted by The Godless Girl on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:11:00 PST