"Dahling, if you wanna talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey. At least that way you're unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously." -Patsy StoneWow! Where to start! I love to read. Gregory Maguire and Anne Rice are my favorite authors. I like to sing and act. Love trying new and exotic foods. Travel. Wine.
I would like to meet someone who can be honest, MONOGOMOUS, and able to make a commitment. I'm looking for a guy who is able to express his feeling and willing to share them openly with me. I would like to find a guy who is passionate and romantic. Hey how about a REAL date! Dinner and a movie?And now.. a Tribute to one who I adore!....I'd like to meet some cool people to get to knwo and become friends with. Doesn't matter who you are or what you like. Just so long as your good people.I almost hate to say this but when it comes to the type of guys I'm attracted to I REALLY like nerdy guys. Not ugly. But ya know what I mean. I'll give you some examples of guys I find hot. Jason Mraz (also love his music), David Hyde Pierce, Martin Gore, David Gahan, Ewan McGregor. And pretty much any punk guy with glasses...... ..
Depeche Mode is my favorite! Hands down no questions asked. Ernie Halter is WOW just amazing!Fantastic live! Really a nice guy too! REALLY love Jason Mraz! Seen him in concert a few times!Jeanie Tracy! There are no words to describe the talent and heart of this AMAZING woman! Simone Denny, Martha Wash, Cyndi Lauper, Melanie (Safka), I also like a wide variety of other types of music. From Marilyn Manson to Dolly Parton. From Blink 182 to Lords of Acid! A little bit of everything really!
My all tiime favorite movie is Sordid Lives. Some of my other faves are Shanghai Express starring Marlene Dietrich, The Exorcist,The Little Mermaid (Go Ursula!)Legend, Labrynth, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story and pretty much ANY Bette Davis movie!..
..I'm really into the series on HBO and Showtime. Loved Carnivale and Dead Like Me! What a shame BOTH have been cancelled! Weeds!Love Rome, and The Comeback as well! Fat Actress is a riot! Ab Fab! Are You Being Served? French and Saunders, Keeping Up Apearances
Wicked by Gregory Maguire and anything by Anne Rice. Like V.C. Adrews as well! I love a good series!
Drag at it's finest! Danyel Vasquez!!
Now THIS is TRUE talent!
My idols are Brini Maxwell, Marlene Dietrich, Bette Davis.