My main interests are: Art, Music,dancing my ass off and spending time with my kids and my friends =) ..
Friends new & old...especially if you are fun & open minded! I like honest people, those that don't pretend to be something they are not. And anyone really cute would be good too!
Failing that if you are a dead ringer for Johnny Depp, Jared Leto, Orlando Bloom or Blas Elias...message me!!!!
Rock, indie and lots of other stuff, I love dancing to really good clubbing tracks (hey all those dance lessons have to come into use somewhere) I have too many favourites to put in to this section and it changes all the time as I discover new groups... keep a check on my playlist and that will tell you how much it changes!
The Others; The Village; 6th Sense; 12 Monkeys; Fight Club; Comedys and films with Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom work wonders!
Most tv is shit, tend to watch music tv or sports now.
I like fantasy books like those by David Eddings; I also like Stephen King - my favourite book of his is The Stand, what an awsome story teller! I also like the classics like Jane Austin, Dickens, the Bronte's and D H Lawrence...
My children - I have three beautiful, intellegent daughters, they are my best friends and I love them dearly, they are the ones that make life worthwhile....My Mum for battling against Cancer & winning, and My Nan (RIP), who was such an inspirational character. My friends, who never stop amazing me on how much they care!