Mis Red profile picture

Mis Red

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI am Mis Red aka Keri, or Kez or whatever anyone cares to call me on any given day...quite often it's trouble! I am a natural red head...hence the name...something that came from another nickname a friend of mine called me. Continue reading if you wish to get to know a little more about me :o)Things I hate: People who pretend to be your friends only to shit stir, those that pretend to care yet don't really give a shit, people who lie all the time, gutless wonders and people who deliberately hurt others because they find it amusing...
Things I love: I love art, poetry, reading interesting pieces of work; I have been lucky enough to befriend some very talented people on here, one of whom is named Jelo,, he is on my top friends list and made me a cool singing panda (thank you mate x), another is a lady named Diane, who is extremely talented and gifted and also should really be a life coach, she is inspirational (thank you Diane for being my friend), also there is Joey C you should really check out his pictures, they are great! Writing wise there is Misanthropic Tendencies, Grand Guignol, Wayne, Stacilyn.... if you get the chance to look at their pages you really should, warning you though, you wont necessarily like what you see...but each and everyone is talented and I like what they do :)
I am a big kid really, and always will be, who wants to be grown up and boring??? NOT ME... Ohh and I am on here most days, if you can't find me on here look me up on facebook message me and I'll give you the addy.

My Interests

My main interests are: Art, Music,dancing my ass off and spending time with my kids and my friends =) ..

I'd like to meet:

Friends new & old...especially if you are fun & open minded! I like honest people, those that don't pretend to be something they are not. And anyone really cute would be good too!
Failing that if you are a dead ringer for Johnny Depp, Jared Leto, Orlando Bloom or Blas Elias...message me!!!!



Rock, indie and lots of other stuff, I love dancing to really good clubbing tracks (hey all those dance lessons have to come into use somewhere) I have too many favourites to put in to this section and it changes all the time as I discover new groups... keep a check on my playlist and that will tell you how much it changes!


The Others; The Village; 6th Sense; 12 Monkeys; Fight Club; Comedys and films with Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom work wonders!


Most tv is shit, tend to watch music tv or sports now.


I like fantasy books like those by David Eddings; I also like Stephen King - my favourite book of his is The Stand, what an awsome story teller! I also like the classics like Jane Austin, Dickens, the Bronte's and D H Lawrence...


My children - I have three beautiful, intellegent daughters, they are my best friends and I love them dearly, they are the ones that make life worthwhile....My Mum for battling against Cancer & winning, and My Nan (RIP), who was such an inspirational character. My friends, who never stop amazing me on how much they care!

My Blog

Im a Barbie Girl,,,in a Barbie World...NO THANKS!

Okay I am writing this as a bit of a stand for women, and no before you ask I am not a big feminist women's libber, just an average everyday woman. Just lately I have been reading a lot of these rela...
Posted by Mis Red on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:37:00 PST

People are strange...well when you add alcohol that is

As most of you know I am working at a busy town Pub on a Saturday night, and it's all going well, and I tell you one thing, working in the Pub trade again has certainly opened my eyes to how some peop...
Posted by Mis Red on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 04:41:00 PST

An Update

Hi all, first off I wanted to say thanks to all the well wishes you have sent to Mum since she went into hospital and give you all an update on how she is. Well yesterday she started to wake up! ...
Posted by Mis Red on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 01:50:00 PST

Some people are cunts!

As most of you know my Mum is in Intensive Care at the moment, hooked up to life support as she has severe pneumonia. I am just concerned with her getting well at the moment.Well I also have a proble...
Posted by Mis Red on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:24:00 PST

Contraception...it really needs to be taught better!

With the fact that England has one of the highest if not the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Europe, and the fact that sexually transmitted diseases are on the increase, especially chlamydia in the...
Posted by Mis Red on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:47:00 PST

Reason’s for my abscence...

I thought I would just let you all know why I haven't been online much recently. First of all I had to quit my job in Thurrock last month because my car decided to die at the end of February, I tried...
Posted by Mis Red on Thu, 08 May 2008 02:13:00 PST

Wheres our eye candy???

Disclaimer!  These are not my ideal men...just random photobucket pics...my ideal man is a little photo-shy! xxxHave you noticed how there is a plethora of young (or mutton dressed as lamb) beaut...
Posted by Mis Red on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:47:00 PST

Is this your version of Art?

I posted this as a bulletin earlier this afternoon. I love art, I always have, I unlike many people I know like modern as well as classic art. I can see the concepts behind some pieces and even thou...
Posted by Mis Red on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:57:00 PST

In the olden days......*sighs*

Thank god for technology...what did we do before computers...go out, make friends...spend hard earned cash in pubs and clubs...actually talking to people face to face...flirting face to face...no cybe...
Posted by Mis Red on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:50:00 PST

Breaking a phobia...

Phobia: An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder. NetDoctor.com As many of you will have seen I have posted a lot of pi...
Posted by Mis Red on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:42:00 PST