The Marxmallows - The Crusher live (Ramones cover)
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La premire formation de the Marxmallows remonte 1996 avec Lwi (Guitare/Chant), seul survivant de cette poque de faste et de dbauche. En 2000, le line-up se stabilise autour dAdi (basse) et de Chuck (batterie), leur permettant denregistrer leur premier EP autoproduit, No One Knows.... Le disque bnficie dun trs bon acceuil de la presse spcialise (Punk Rawk mag, Presto!...), des fanzines (Punk Sincerity, Keep Out...) et des webzines (Head In Stars, Zicazic...)
Le groupe enchane alors une soixantaine de concerts dans toute la france (Paris, Tours, Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Reims, Amiens, Grenoble, Bordeaux...) aux cts de groupes tels que The Dickies, Fabulous Disaster, All Systems Go!, Daria, GAS Drummer, Sexypop...
Durant lanne 2004-2005, The Marxmallows enregistre son premier album Everyone Hates... aux anciens studios Vogue (Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin...). Le groupe part en tourne avec Guerilla Poubelle sur une douzaine de dates. Le trio est ensuite slectionn parmi les 5 finalistes du Zebrock 2005 pour jouer sur la fte de lHuma. Il signe dans la foule avec le label parisien STSnetwork pour la sortie de cet album le 20 septembre 2005 (Overcome Distribution). Leur album se rapproche de la pop punk version Lookout Records (Green Day, Screeching Weasel...) : une tonalit pop, une nergie punk et une touche de Rock N Roll, bref du Pop Punk N Roll efficace et bien ficel ! Ils n'hsitent pas non plus s'inspirer de la culture Punk Rock des 80's et de groupes tels que les Ramones.
Pour l'annee 2006, suite au depart de Chuck pour divergences musicales et sexuelles, Julien Mauve rejoint le groupe completant le dsormais quatuor depuis l'arrivee de l'illustre Matthieu Crepaux en septembre 2005!
The Marxmallows is a french Pop Punk N Roll Band created by Lwi (vocals/guitar) in 96 and stabilized with Adi (Bass/vocals) and Chuck (drums) since 2000. Their sound is close to the lookout! Records Pop Punk bands such as Screeching Weasel or Green Day: pop melodies, combined with the energy of Punk Rock and a Rock N' Roll touch. They also pick their inspiration from the 80's Punk rock culture with bands such as the Ramones or the Descendents.
Their First EP "No One Knows." was released in 2002 by the French punk rock Label STSnetwork (m-sixteen, Fullscreen, Strike Back). Thanks to an enthusiastic Punk Rock Press and Web support, the band played over 60 gigs in France with Bands like Fabulous Disaster, The Dickies, All Systems Go!, GAS Drummer. In 2005, The Marxmallows recorded their first album "everyone hates..." in the famous "vogue Studio" where The Rolling Stone recorded some of their best songs in the 70's. The album is composed of 11 tracks from Power Pop anthems (Focus, Bean Slice), Fast Punkrock tunes (Vandal/I'm Low) to surf music (Fun Sun Booze and Boobs) and Rock N"Roll (Cheeta is a punk rocker). Making fun of the emo scene : "We play Music for 16 year old girls", describing the drifts of the youth with TV : "TV food and Fast Vision or just joking on vegetarian people: "Meat People", The Marxmallows knows how to use ironic and sarcastic lyrics.
"Everyone hates." is released In September, the 20th in France by STSnetwork and through Overcome Distribution but the band is looking for a deal in any other country.