Looking into myself and ask WHY am I here, WHY human societies created by Pharaohs, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Czars, Sultans, Popes, Dictators, Religious Organizations or some form of Governments and the people who support THEIR ORDERS, have reached to the level of today's society with a created-controlled situation, a limited understanding level, a society of people who are accepting:
- GENOCIDE of millions of unborn-newborn BABIES "see abortion"
- GENOCIDE and raping of CHILDREN, WOMEN, MEN. Exodus 20:13
- GENOCIDE of MILLIONS everyday from the mass production, pollution, misuse of chemicals in all forms, from trash to genetically engineered foods, heroin, alcohol, ciggarette, 'approved' chemical compund materials as drugs-medicines...
- Thousands of atomic bomb tests, attacks and the combination of both; destroyed humanity, nature, earth, physically, mentally, genetically FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The DESTRUCTION of the rain forests, source of oxygen
- The DESTRUCTION of the atmosphere through pollution
- The DESTRUCTION of the ozone layer, protection from ultraviolet radiation from space
- The DESTRUCTION GENOCIDE OF THE AFRICAN, ASIAN, SOUTH AMERICAN, CENTRAL AMERICAN, NORTH AMERICAN, AUSTRALIAN, SOME EARLY EUROPEAN TRIBES, native people, the cultures who are still refusing to accept forgetting the old, and learning the new ways of living, thinking and believing
- The butcher of the buffalo, bear, wolf, elephant, rhino, lion, tiger, eagle, whale, and all others, and the ones who have already died without having time to claim a name for their existence
- The mass production and distribution all over the world, all forms of weapons to our children to our families, to-through various organizations-governments, so HUMANS can KILL each other faster-easier
- The mass global mind control - miseducation through all forms of schools, institutions, teaching our future hate, jealousy, competition, destroying others, organizing and sponsoring groups of people to KILL, TORTURE, ENSLAVE, physically and mentally, other humans simply because they are from a different continent , with a different skin color, with different religion, with different beliefs, and make then believe they are proud of thenselves, DESTROYING life in the name of GOD, or for whatever reason.
- The millions of homeless families, children in almost every country, the million dollar houses, buildings, churches, castles, the money-power combination, forming, making up new laws to protect the lifestyles of the rich and famous, politicians, religious dictators who are deciding, organizing the life of others through generations, creating a global society placing GOD, nature outside of ourselves, creating a world without being conscious of the meaning and purpose of life.
- The unjustified unfair wages, taxes, the cost of survival, powerful countries, religious organizations, robbing betraying then starving nations. About 90% of the world population are living in an environment that western society would not accept. The hunger in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America, North America, Europe, Australia, and the same time, the Western societies have stores with packed shelves of food, with the expiration dates that are going to be waste, instead of feeding the hungry.
Matthew 19:24- The motorized, digital, starving, confused, tortured generations, wandering through destroyed forests, over polluted, overpopulated, cities, towns, villages, trying to survive to the next day, hoping it will be better, awakening from the nightmare, the never-ending struggle of life the war between GOOD and evil.
- The misrepresented, misunderstood, idolized, assassinated prophets, healers, christs, revolutionaries and all kinds of artists, souls, who are trying to express themselves, through humanity as a form of help. But the needed help is overwhelming. Their deed is lost, faded in the loud painful cry of tortured, betrayed, mislead, threatened, and programmed souls. CAUSED BY POWER HUNGRY EGOTISTICAL EVIL THOUGHTS FROM EVIL SOULS, WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DESTROYING HUMANITY'S FUTURE ON EARTH!
Human ignorance and evil acting behavior against nature and humanity, having control over of the the countdown to extinction. Memories and reality are PAINFUL scars in the souls, earth and the universe. The sad truth the IRREVERSIBLE PAST that some are trying to make us for get the true history, by mass producing propaganda, claiming being a winner be right, the dead is wrong, making up lies of the real heroes and making new ones in Hollywood. But the list of destruction, EVIL ON EARTH would take millions of pages. Others of us are using information to learn, to be stronger, to make possible for the souls who are searching for answers, and the purpose and meaning of their existence in this diseased, corrupted, artificial world, before we are as the "last" creation -specie die out, just as the rest of nature.
I know myself. I know that I have a soul-energy that keeps me going on existing-living, that is really me, my feelings, the feelings of love, pain, fear, my desire, all of my thoughts, all of my understandings with my free will. I know by placing GOD, nature outside ourselves and without being conscious of the meaning and purpose of existence it destroys every individual, every life! GOD, THE LIGHT, THE TRUTH, THE RELIGIOUSLESS, SKIN COLORLESS, ULTIMATE CONSCIOUS LOVE, THE CREATOR, THE ENDLESS UNIVERSE ITSELF, IS POWER OF ALL UNDERSTANDING, IS THE REAL REALITY! And we, our souls, our energies, our lights, our bodies, are part of the Great Light. Everybody is from the same place with EQUAL RIGHTS to exist with FREE WILL in whatever form, wherever desired to be. To exist-experiencing life in the everything is connected IN GOD FOREVER.
I. John 4:11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20.
No one owns a country and no country can own people. No one can tell the eagle which way to fly. Earth belonged to everyone and everything on it and in it. We will leave this diseased, destroyed, dead world, starting a new beginning, leaving behind fear, pain, suffering, evil and death forever.
I. John 2:15, 16, 17 Rev. 14:1, 4, 5 Rev. 21:1,2,3,4,6,10,12,16,17,27
I am looking for other individual thinkers, souls, who are conscious or who are waiting and searching, seeking peace and harmony in a higher understanding level of existence, in the future with our children in endless LOVE. WE MUST STAND UP for each other, "ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL," to exist, to be qualified as human. Everything is mind over matter. Everything is possible, if you have faith in it. "You can choose, don't confuse, win or lose! It's up to YOU!" MATTHEW 17:20 Information, knowledge, is endless and FREE to EVERYONE! HELP EVERYONE TO SEE THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, TO FIND LOVE, OUR ORIGIN. II. JOHN 1:7
Love you almost ALL,
Please feel free to translate and make copies and pass on!