Yes, I have them.Writing and performing comedy. Exceptions include: when the audience hates me (see "Waterford" for reference).Arguing sports, making fun of the Lions (unavailable for use as material becasue I like to write my own jokes), smoking cigars, watching Woody Allen movies (not as much with the last twelve or so) listening to Dylan, playing with nephew, eating breakfast ast Monty's grille and performing karaoke.*All of these should not be done at the same time, especially smoking cigars and playing with nephew. At least not until he turns five.
Dylan. There's "other" music? Ok, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Van Morrison, Beastie Boys, Tupac, Run DMC, Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, Dylan.
Coen bros., Woody, "Bad News Bears", "Unforgiven", "The Front", "Sunshine Boys"...
Curb, Seinfeld, Ali G, National news, Pistons, Tigers.
I'll come back to this as soon as I finish "The Onceler"
The Hulk