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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Here is a poem I wrote in 1993 that says it all. It seems the formatting won't hold so it ain't gonna look pretty...I want to be creative. I want the world to admire my thoughts, feel my emotions.I want young men to weep at my feet, and young women to despise me. I want to be the center of attention. I want to steal the spotlight,dance on the clouds,sing to the moon, bathe in the ocean, live in the air. I want all the whispers, to be about me. I want people to recall me with a smile. Even if they’re full of shitKRyan (c) 1993I am a sarcastic Cancer, whose humor is oft misunderstood. I enjoy long walks on the beach, movies with great dialogue and a good glass of rum punch once in a while (often followed by a nice long nap).

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Orange

My Interests

Movies, as I have stated before, I am a movie junkie and I make no apologies for that fact. I love to watch them, read the scripts, disect characters and complain about plots. I also love to read all sorts of things. I love music and theater (love to see and hear it live) and have an interest in people--how they think, how they work, why they do the things that they do. I am really interested in Forensic pathology and psychology...again, I want to know what makes people tick. Music. Music. and Music. I can't state enough how much I freaking love music. And Musicians, I love to watch them when they are in the zone, it is akin to watching a painter paint. Totally awesome. Art and Music just makes the world so beautiful.

I'd like to meet:

hmmm. who would I like to meet? Janet Evanovich, I really like her writing style, Anne Lamont, William Shakespeare, I would have like to meet him, and Janice Joplin too. I just would have liked to tell her what a wonderful person she was without all of them drugs and shit. I would like to meet some people that don't judge, don't set false expectations and have open minds. There are a number of television and movie folk that I wouldn't mind meeting, I think some of the members of duran duran, just to ask them what the hell the 80's were all about. Intelligent people who can carry on a conversation but still have a great sense of humor and the ability to move easily between the two. Hmmm...I'll get back to you with more on this.


Lisa Danielson, Keb'Mo', Janis Joplin, Simon and Garfunkle, Kid Rock, Po Girl, Tom Waits, Sarah Vaughn, Billie Holiday, Sonia Dada, Coltrane, Patti Griffin, Lucinda Williams, Springstein,musical theatre soundtracks, movie soundtracks, Just about all country music, Tim McGraw, and Jazz, oh yeah, I have to mention Jazz.


I have seen some of the best movies since staring film school. I loved The Thing from Outer Space, Casablance, Citizen Kane (Orson Wells was a hottie when he was younger), Gone Baby Gone, Dan in Real Life was okay, I've seen a bunch of flicks lately. I have to say I really like film school...like it a lot.


Law and Order, Standoff, Bones, CSI...notice a pattern here anyone? King of Queens, cause it is like watching my life...I don't watch a whole lot of TV these days


Anything by Janet Evanovich, books on creativity, books on psychology, historical books, Shakespeare, an assortment of literature and poetry--right now and am digging the hell out of Langston Hughes. How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life. Anything by OSHO, The Tibetian Art of Positive Thinking, Books about Flow and Syncronicity in the Universe.


Teachers in general, firemen, police officers, people who go in where others wouldn't and do what others wouldn't want to. John and Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King for what they did for the Civil Rights movement. Single mothers and single fathers who do what the have to in order to make ends meet for their families. My parents, because they've made sacrifices over the years for our family and because they took in kids from the neighborhood who wouldn't have otherwise known what a real family was like. People who face their fears everyday.

My Blog

Break Time

Who is the last person other than your family that you saw?Co workersWhen is the last time you smoked marijuana?NeverIs fall the best season?Totally, with the leaves changing and everything...What kin...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 01 May 2008 09:35:00 PST

So this is where I find balance...

You are midway between being a romantic and a realist. You can mellow and provide enough romantic sparks when needed. You know where to draw the line between sentiment and good judgment and have proba...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:49:00 PST

Long survey

     RandomDo you have any pets?YepWhat color shirt are you wearing?Orange-ish and boobish, showing way to much of the girls todayName three things that are physically close to you...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:37:00 PST

Just feeling it...

What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?too complicated to go intoWhat is wrong with you right now?I am really tired.  Had class late last night and had an early am appoi...
Posted by Kat on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:40:00 PST

Must Do a Grateful List

I read my blogs from yesterday and they depressed me.  I can't stand being or feeling like that so I am forcing myself to do a grateful list.... Things for which I am grateful: I a...
Posted by Kat on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST


People think that I am made of steel, but I am not. I just really have not other choice in this world but to suck it up and keep moving. Nobody is going to swoop in here and clean my wounds for me. No...
Posted by Kat on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST

stolen from Sue Z Q

1) Is there someone you wanna date right now?Boycotting the notion of dating right now.2) Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?I don't know that I ever stopped liking him3) What was the l...
Posted by Kat on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

Just try not to think about it...

That is the advice I have been given lately. When my mind goes to places that feel dark and lonely, people tell me not to think about it so much... I don't even know what that is supposed to mean.
Posted by Kat on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:15:00 PST


Life is not fair. Sometimes it gives you more than you want. Sometimes you can't get the things that you need. But it seems in the end that it balances out for the best. My therapist has told me that ...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:55:00 PST

Things I have learned today

I don’t like Taco Fresco’s guac taco.  First of all, I was expecting hard shell and it is soft shell. Secondly, I was expecting something that tasted good and it tastes like ass....
Posted by Kat on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST