I was a satanist untill the age of 22, I was into wicca and black magic and was going to be in the illumani.I was crazy and did not care about my life or others,my only concern was to gain power.I changed my name to lestat at the age of 18 and began learning wicca,but quickly got involved in black magic and worshipping satan.I thought that was the life I was involved in all sorts of drugs,sex,and magic that would blow your mind.At the age of 21 I was teaching wicca and was studing to be a catholic priest when I suffered a stroke.I was dead for exactly 10 minutes,but my experience in the afterlife seems like it lasted for years.When I had my stroke I was with my fiance and my pregnant girlfriend and fell down a flight of stairs while at home.They called the ambulance and when it arrived I was already pronounced dead at the scene.They began CPR and gave me a crap load of shots and eventualy got my heart going.They said I had been dead for 10 minutes before they brought me back.What happened to me shook my life.When I fell down the stairs I immediatly got back up,but saw myself still laying there,this was not scary to me because I had been practicing out of body experiences for many years.But this time there were people outside my front door calling me by my real name.I looked back to see my fiance on the floor crying over my body, and my girlfriend on the phone calling the ambulance.I looked at myself on the floor and just laughed,I was ready to hangout with all my dead family and friends.So I walked out the door.I could see nothing as soon as I walked out,it was like a dense fog.The men and women kept calling me telling me this was the way,so I followed.Pretty soon the people seemed to disapear into the fog,it had seemed like I had walked 2 miles or more and began yelling.where did you go I shouted.A loud booming sinister voice shouted,were right here.I spun around to find a ton of people coming into view from the thick fog.I smiled happy to see people again,but that quickly turned into fear an pain as the rushed at me.They began pulling me in all different directions and it felt as if my arms were going to be ripped off.I kept shouting for them to stop and tried to get myself loose from there grips,but nothing worked.They finally pulled me into a place where I could see nothing,it was totally black,so black that I felt empty,I felt saddness and dispair.The feeling was overwhelming I shouted and cried.The smell of sulfar lingered in the blackness and the sensation of heat touched my body.All of a sudden it was like the floor gave out and I was falling,at the bottom was what looked to be lava, it was fire, and it was getting hotter as I fell.I tried to grab onto something and flung my body all around,but nothing was stopping me.As I reached closer to the flames I heard screams and cries and saw thousands of people screaming in agony.Just as it fely like I was going to burst into flames from the heat as I was back in my body.The ambulance was taking me to a hospital.I told the ambulance man ,that what I had just experienced and he just laughed.It was just you imagination, he said.Only I knew it wasn't.I could feel the heat,I could feel the pain and I could see myself and what was going .. I died.I ended up having to have a heart transplant,it turns out I had a hole in my heart and my heart was almost doubled in size and was losing its function.After a month in the hospital I was aloud to go home,I told everyone about my experiece.My aunt who heard my story,told me her own story.She was a witch from salem,mass but turned and gave her life to Jesus.I always thought she was crazy and stupid,but after what I had been threw I listened to her.I gave my life to Jesus and denounced Satan.I repented of my life practcing wicca,witchcraft,voodoo,and illumani.Immediatly after that I was filled with the holy spirit and was filled with a different life.I felt the goodness of Jesus and the presence of God surrounded me.I felt a power I had never felt.I prayed daily and my church prayed for my health and for me to get over my addiction to drugs and alchol.After a few weeks of faithfully living and serving Jesus, I was delivered from my addictions,He took away the need and the want for drugs.I was on a new high, the high of living life and feeling love, joy and peace just as jesus had promised.This is a true story and its my story.Jesus is the way, not satan.Satan is real,but he is the father of lies and for those of you who serve him he lies to you ,he doesn't give power,he does not controll life or death.Give your life to jesus and start living.I now live in Californis with my little girl Alexis.I have full custody of her and she is my pride and joy! Her mother was my girlfriend in the story and died from a heroin overdose.I feel God showed me that vision to share with others,whether you believe me or not is your choice,but think long and hard about your decisions in your life because they will lead you in all different paths,the only true path is the one that leads to Jesus. Myspace Graphics
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