Through Jesus I've learned that my past is not what matters. Jesus has shown me that I have a purpose. I was made by God for God. Through Jesus I have realized that I no longer need to be popular, I don't have to be right, first, praised, or recognized. Jesus has shown me that forgiveness is not dependent on whether the person being forgiven deserves it. Forgiveness is a choice that is made as an act of obedience to God. Through Jesus I have learned that I am loved and that I am loveable. His love is not based on me, but on Him. I cannot tell you what an amazing day it was when I realized that!
Jesus demonstrated love in its absolute perfect form by dying on the cross for you and I. I do not believe there has been a greater love in all of history than this. His love is unconditional and completely selfless. I cannot love without Jesus. I was selfish and sinful and wanted to please myself. Jesus has taught me and shown me love is doing what is best for another, even if it hurts. It is doing NOT what I feel like doing but rather doing what I know to be right and true. I hardly think that Jesus "felt" like being nailed to the cross and dying but He did it. He did it because He loved us so very much.
So to Jesus I say Thank You! Thank You for giving me life. You are my strength, my hero, and my great peace. I love You Jesus!!!!
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