Stranger Kreations profile picture

Stranger Kreations

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This profile was edited with Editor

My Interests

Sculpture. Fire. Music. Musical Sculpture on Fire involving Ritual. In the past I have worked in all manner of media, mediums, and material, but I truly love metal work, and casting in bronze, aluminum and iron have been the most fun and rewarding experiences I have ever had...... I also enjoy making jewelry, wire work, chain mail and armor. I also worked as a model in the Bay Area for the Academy of Art University and enjoy conversing with other's whom have had modeling experiences as well.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is open minded, creative, intelligent and not judgmental, arrogant, or pretentious. I like people who do their own thing and allow me the time to do mine as well. I have hundreds of unfinished projects and get along best with those who have hundreds of unfinished projects awaiting them from their own chaotic lives as well......I do not get along with racists, bigots, or misogamists. My Gods are very racially mixed, mainly because someone was always humping a Giant.. So they don't really take kindly to people that hate other people because of the color of their skin, the slant of their eye, or the fact that they have Troll blood in their distant ancestry. You guys understand, Norse Gods and Goddesses are temperamental like that......


I listen to a wide variety of music, and it depends upon what I am feeling at the moment. Most of my interest is on the harder side, but I appreciate everything to a certain degree and am currently seeking to expand my music horizons. Current pop music tends to irritate the hell out of me, as does most hip-hop, rap, and modern country. Reenactment music in any language interests me greatly, as does music that incorporates ancient traditions from any region of the world into their art.


Horror, particularly zombie films since I view them as a statement of our cultures current state of mass consumerism. I don't really go for the torture serial killer stuff, but more the psychological or surreal horror films. If I want serial killers I can just turn on the TV. I also enjoy post-apocalyptic films, sci-fi, fantasy, historical documentaries, and what my friends would call just plain bad b-movies.


Public Broadcasting....I have no cable....otherwise probably the History, Discovery or one of the many other educational channels. That is why I don't have cable. There is always something on that interests me and I have to much work to get done.


I read far to many books for my own good. Currently into researching religions and mythology from around the world, and learning German.


"Were going to give em back their heroes Max".....actually my heroes are anyone who has the strength, courage, and fortitude to strive ever forward and create their own world. Most of these people are artists, musicians, writers, and poets, but they can be anyone of any race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or occupation. They could even be a grocery store clerk, and in fact I know many who are. "Shop Smart...Shop S Mart."

My Blog

Rat Trap Barbecue Pit

Rat Trap Barbecue PitPics are up of the Rat Trap Barbecue Pit at its state of completion when presented for class critique. Much will change physically and symbolism used will become clearer with addi...
Posted by Stranger Kreations on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 01:04:00 PST


You will notice that the space keeping changing and it is difficult to read. Still working on that. It has been over a year since I used html, and I wasn’t that great with it then. I am updating...
Posted by Stranger Kreations on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:22:00 PST