matt profile picture


Making some songs...stand by please!

About Me

I like the sound of the word "soup" and old Carol King records. And oh yeah...check this out when you can: iTunes Music Store/Podcasts/Video Podcasts. And then check out "Lynchland" Podcast (it's free) and you can see a lot of disturbing, funny, weird, and musical stuff that I've been up to with one of my oldest, bestest friends Liam Lynch. You should also go to see the podcast and other cool stuff. AND!!!! Soon will be the time when Season 1-3 of Sifl and Olly will be availible through Liams website as well. Stay tuned!!Other than that, I like the Cleveland Browns, but they suck.

My Interests

Trying to figure out where outer-space stops and just what eternity really is, making music, making really lame animation on my mac(s), stealing from the rich and giving it to afterschool programs, going to bars and then remembering that bars suck, organizing games of Kick the Can in my neighborhood, brushing my teeth, composing Sci-fi Rock Operas on Pro-Tools. Being a smart-ass without being disrespectful.

I'd like to meet:

The cast and crew of the original braodway performances of Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar, Yoko (to talk about John, of course), Stephen Trask (to see if i can write music with him). Can someone put me in touch? I'm serious. And a lyricist to help me finish my rock opera (also serious).


You could say so!


Good Eternal Sunshine, Hedwig, Jaws, Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver, and about a hundred more that I really don't want to take the time to type.


Usually not....even though I work for it at times.


Thank God!


People who bring something into the world that's worth a shit.