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This is Shelley's Daddy. He is suffering from Liver cancer and some other conditions. We need to keep him and her in prayer as this is a hard time for them. Also, Shelley's Dad needs a message from God that it is okay to open his heart to believe in Him. Please pray that these words come to him. Thank you for your prayers.______________________This is from April--- Hey Aunt who had Breast cancer (and is a survivor) her name is Jacqueline. My other aunt in Marilyn and also could you keep my Grand Father in your prayers His name is Joseph Docusen ..He was a famous Boxer in the 30 and 40's and has been in and out of the hospital for months, he has parkins disease thank you. Marshall(April's cousin), He is a Youth Pastor and has been battling cancer (sarcoma) for 4 yrs. He's only 26 and a newly wed. ____________________ These people need your prayers and if you see need to help them in other ways just let me know and I will let them know.
Elizabeth Reeves - for teaching the love of Christ. Shelley - standing strong for her Daddy. April - for Christian service