UnderColdBlood profile picture



About Me

The band was created at l'Atel'Ye Rock of Waremme during the year 2003. It's actually thanks to the Atel'Ye that each member of the band began to play an instrument. Loic at the singing, Geoffrey at the bass guitar, Morgan at the guitar and Eloi at the drums. They begun like most of the young musicians by playing indiscutably metal cover versions. However, the influences of the band members are different. From rock to hard rock, rap and electro.
In 2004, the association allows to UnderColdBlood (Life Sux at that moment) to have a first studio experience. The band records two songs.
The composition results are open but sound metal with heavy and slow or quick and hardcore riffs. The drums are more rock. The voice for her part goes from screaming to speach.
In August 2006, Nicolas (ex Zone-A) joints the band as second guitarist and second voice, two new additions which allows the band to confirm his style in new compostions and which reinforce the sound of the previous songs.
After a fiew years of common passion for music, the band decides to go to the studio to record 11 songs. In July 2007, the band goes away one week and finishes his recording program.
Fury Time, their debut album is out since April 2008!
' See you!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2007
Band Website: undercoldblood.com
Band Members:

Vocals+Screams - LOIC POES

Included between neo, rock and hardcore music and styles...
Sounds Like: ...
Record Label: Unsigned - autoprod
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Salut les gars, On cherche des dates pour les mois d'octobre et de novembre. J'essaye de réunir 6-7 groupes motivés qui chercheraient chacun de leur côté des dates et qui inventeraient donc quelqu...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 01:35:00 PST


Chère Madame, cher Monsieur,    Un album "tout frais tout chaud", des projets plein la tête, de l'ambition et une envie énorme de nous produire sur scène... voilà ce qui peut résu...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:53:00 PST

Want our ALBUM ? Order it ! Support us !

3 songs to discover UnderColdBlood...If you want more, our debut album is on the way!11 tracks for 8¬ only (shipping costs included for Belgium) - 10¬ for other countries. ORDER AT undercoldblood@gmai...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:34:00 PST

Any music made by guitar, bass, battery and... distortion

http://groups.myspace.com/distortedmusicThis group is created with an aim of gathering a maximum of bands and fans of distorted music. Let us discuss, in all the languages, open your mind! ... And you...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

Debut Album : "Fury Time" ready in two weeks

________________________________3 songs to discover UnderColdBlood...If you want more, our debut album is on the way!11 tracks for 8¬ only (shipping costs included for Belgium) - 10¬ for other countri...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 04:44:00 PST


1.    Quelques notions de musicothérapie. La musicothérapie n’a pas de père fondateur bien défini. De plus, malgré la réflexion des praticiens et des enseignants de la musicothér...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:41:00 PST

Origine et évolution de la musique jusquà la musique moderne

1.    Origine et évolution de la musique a.    Le commencement. W. Maioli nous parle de l’origine de la musique et nous dit que le paysage, le climat, les élément...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:25:00 PST


3 chansons pour découvrir UnderColdBlood...Si vous en voulez plus, notre album sera très très bientôt disponible!11 titres pour 8¬ seulement (frais de port inclus pour la Belgique) - 10¬ pour les autr...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:35:00 PST

Bonnes adresses et contacts intéressants... promo, concerts, etc...

Salut à tous les groupes ! Après plusieurs recherches et quelques petites heures voici une petite liste de choses plutot intéressantes que j'ai pu trouver, adresses, contacts, sites, concours, etc. N...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:08:00 PST

Premier album de Under Cold Blood en cours de mixage

Hello; Le premier album du groupe est actuellement en cours de mixage, les premiers morceaux seront en écoute sur myspace d'ici peu, restez connectés!...
Posted by UnderColdBlood on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:02:00 PST