Photoshopping, i love to make ' Make Believe 'Designing Prints for Three Companies...FOKAI SoCal International...3 Kings...and Rasta & Company...Love to skate...and Anything that has to do with my Hands and Legs...The Art of Chess with the Mind and Body...supporting local brands, bands, and xtreme athletes.World travel.How to use 100% of the Brain...
Rastafarian Alien with Natty Dreads... Road trip to Zion...
Love to listen to reggae...Island, dancehall, roots, and dub...doesn't matter...its all about the groove...I'm down for At the drive in...the hot hot heat...radiohead...the darkness...g unit...anything rockafella...the beats to bounce to...the tunes to sing to...the rhythym to move you...and anything in that range will rock my world...WWW.FOKAI.COM
City of God...Snatch...Lock, Stock, and some Pulp Fiction...Memento...but I don't remember what it was about...and I don't remember watching anything else after that movie...
Don't care too much for Tv shows...all about the music, sports, and bring on the commercials...Talk to me during the show and give me my time with my commercials...quick entertaining humor...what more could you expect?...hopefully be able to make some soon...
All Right-Brainer books...Da Code...Grisham...Legendary Art...K. Sutra...