Likes:Music of all sorts. Great friends. Gelati. Cuddles. Random stupid behaviour. People who challenge my mind and make me think. I like things other people would think weird. I like to be different.Dislikes:I hate stereotypes. Fake, false, backstabbing sorta people. Lies. Brussel sprouts. Not having anything to do, I like to be doing stuff always.
hmmm interesting people
music is my passioni DJ and have never done anything in my life i have been so passionate about, i love the way you can listen to music after a hard day etc and it just makes everything go away life for the time when the music is playing you are taken some place elsei listen to all sorts of music from hard trance to tek, breaks to Drum n Bass, psytrance, metal, rock, punk and the list goes on
anything funnyi love comediesAdam Sandler is a god
i am hooked on shows like law and order and house etci aint a real big drama movie watcher, but tv seems to be different for some reason *shrugs*and the simpsons will always rule