People whom at least have the same level of decency. Haha kiddin'. ^_^ MY Androgyne MTH, King of Spades!
In a Man if you have intentions other than friendship: I won't get it on with you just because you think I'm smart (or BRILLIANT haha), funny (or HILARIOUS), and cute (or PRETTY); and you feel it's alright to get all cozy coz you believe we jive =P When the right time comes, I wish to be with someone who shares the same morals as I do, with a similar upbringing that believes in the strength of "the core" in relationships and courtship. I'm simple, non-materialistic, fun loving, open-minded yet conservative. So swingers & pervs please fuck off ~_^ I'm quite stubborn and takes some time to gain my trust. When you earn it, that means you're worth it. If you're able to stick it out that either means 1) You're a masochist OR 2) You love me unconditionally. I'd rather you be the second, coz I can certainly love ya like that too! Aww! HAHA Peace!
WORLD Music and everything else that comes in between :P so..I don't really care if you think my musical preference is strange ;-)
Myself. I'm the coolest Queen B alive! heehee!
Peace & Love!