...guYys guYys guYsssss....... & a lOt Of GuYyss......
a simPle guYy liKe me whO isnT afRaiiD 2 shOw hiiS lOvE tO me iiN puBlic. ii nO thiiS maYy bE a sHOcK 2 mOst oF YyOu. Me too, i jUsSs rEaliizEd ii haD a sPeciaL thiinG fOr guYys. sOo anYy hOtT buiiLt meN ouT thErE... hOlLa aTuRe bOYyYYYyyy333 :kisSes,hUgs:
`leTs fIghT MuZiC... wHen tHA mUsic'S sTop.... i LOVE rAp mUzic.... & r&b... heLl yAh!!!
`gAngs Of neW yOrk... 8miLe...LOTR...dEviL's aDvOcaTe...`
guYy pOrn!!!!! that shit turns me on and makes my diick nice and hardddd!!!! yeah and when my dick gets hard!! i go and fuck my dad!!! hahah
`i dO... rEaLly hAtE bOoKs.......
`fiRst Of oL GOD dEn mY moM & pOp...`